Labor Protection Card -Check Your Retirement Pension Account at ATMs, anytime, anywhere
The Labor Pension Act (new retirement pension system) had been officially launched on the 1st of July,2005. To make account enquiry convenient to personal account holders, the Bureau of Labor Insurance (BLI) in conjunction of the Taiwan Land Bank, E-Sun Bank ,Taipei Fubon Bank, Taishin Bank, and First Bank launched the multifunctional card, the "Labor Protection Card".The labor friends can check their account balances and use banking (ATM) and credit card services, as well as check their retirement pension accounts, with only one card at participating ATMs.
ATM Services - The Most Convenient Enquiry Outlets
Currently, BLI has planned retirement pension account enquiries through citizen digital certificate, BLI global website (, and over-the-counter. However, citizen digital certificate and internet enquiry are still quite unfamiliar to many labor friends, and not every labor friend has the resources and abilities to enquire over the internet. Therefore, enquiry over the internet is not expected to be highly utilized, nor is it expected to satisfy the needs of the majority labor friends. To provide even more convenient services, BLI will join private businesses to make the most familiar, widely acceptable, and common channel to labor friends through ATMs. With the resources of private banks, BLI was launched a multifunctional card - the "Labor Protection Card", which will combine the functions of a bank card, credit card, and e-wallet in one and expand service outlets of the Bureau of Labor Insurance (BLI) from 25 to more than 5000. With the high number of participants and growth rate of the new labor retirement pension system, the enquiry mechanism of personal retirement pension accounts should also reach the service level of financial institutions to truly satisfy the needs of labor friends.
The restriction on multiple applications for the Labor Protection Card has been lifted
Applicants of the Labor Protection Card, launching in November,2005. may add bank card, credit card, and e-wallet functions to their cards. To protect personal data of the users, BLI will strictly regulate financial institutions to use the collected data exclusively for enquiries; no marketing or other usages will be allowed. To make it easier for the workers to check, as of April 1, 2013, the restriction that a worker should not apply for the Labor Protection Card to the five different card-issuing banks has been lifted. BLI would like to remind card users that, since enquiry at ATMs does not go through the Financial Information Service Center, cross-bank enquires are not enabled, that is enquiries can only be made at ATMs of respective issuing bank, but the cross-bank services of the attached banking functions will not be affected.
Checking the Balances - Labor Protection Card is the Most Convenient Way
The five banks and their branches commissioned by BLI have more than 5000 ATMs nation-wide. Enquiry through the Labor Protection Card will be the most convenient way. ATM enquiry mechanism will enable display and print out for at least six transaction records, including unit of contribution, time, employee contribution, self contribution, profit sharing, balances, the most recent six entries showing changes of the labor-insurance related information and the total coverage years under the labor insurance program. BLI would like to remind businesses labors that ATM service is able to display retirement pension contribution for the month three months prior to the enquiry time. For example, contribution for August, 2018 is required by law to be deposited before the end of October; therefore, a person will be able to check his/her retirement pension deposit up to August at the beginning of November. Do you want to know how much you have in your retirement pension account? Just take your Labor Protection Card to any ATM for an instant enquiry. If you have any questions regarding the amount, you can enquire at BLI at any time. All five ways of account balance enquiry provided by BLI will be updated simultaneously.