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Bureau of Labor Insurance
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Simplified Calculation
Insurance Premium Calculation for Labor Insurance, Employment Insurance and Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Calculation of Labor Insurance/Employment Insurance/Occupational Accident Insurance Benefits, Allowances and Subsidies
Calculation of Labor Pension Monthly Pension Payments
Calculation of monthly insured salary (monthly contribution wage) against total monthly salary
Calculation for declaring adjustments to the monthly insured salary for labor insurance, employment insurance, and occupational accident insurance and monthly contribution wage for labor pension
Tables and Forms Download
Labor Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection
Labor Pension
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
National Pension
Laws & Regulations
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labor Pension
Other Regulations
How to Inquire Personal Insurance Data?
Those insured with Labor Insurance
The Special Insured of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Frequently-Asked Questions by Migrant Workers When Inquiring on Labor (Occupational Accident) Insurance Information through the “Online Application and Inquiry Download System for Foreign Workers” of the Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor
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BLI local offices in cities and counties
Business Topic
Labor Insurance
Insurance Enrollment Procedure and Insurance Effect
Insured Salary
Insurance Benefits
Laws & Regulations
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Insured and Regulations
Other Labor Protection-related Allowances and Subsidies
Health Examination to Prevent Occupational Disease and Follow-up Health Examination
Laws & Regulations
Employment Insurance
Insurance Enrollment Procedure and Insurance Effect
Insurance Salary
Laws & Regulations
Labor Pension
Characteristics of the New Labor Pension System
Application and Receipt of the Individual Labor Pension Accounts
Annuity Insurance
Transfer and Continuance of the Old and New Labor Pension Systems
The Processing of Receiving and Paying of Labor Pension
Inquiries of the Individual Labor Pension Accounts
Penal Provisions
The New Labor Pension System is not the Old-Age Benefits of the Labor Insurance Program
Labor Pension Program Established by the Labor Standards Act of 1984(Old System)
Permanent Residents and Foreign Professionals with Permanent Residence
Monthly Contribution Classification of Labor Pension
Labor Protection Card
Laws & Regulations
Wage Arrears Payment
The Collection and Disbursement of Wage Arrears Payment Fund Program
Explanation and Documentation Requirements with Regard to Application for Repayment of Wage Arrears, Pension and Severance Pay
National Pension
Introduction to National Pension
The Insured
Insurance Premium
Coverage Years of Insurance
Payments of Benefits
National Pension Act
Farmer Insurance
Insured Unit and Insured Persons
Insurance Benefits
Farmer Pension
Applicable Subjects
Application Procedures
Payment Procedures
Claim Procedures
Farmer Pension Act
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Employer & Employee
Insured Units of Labor Insurance, Employment Insurance and Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Insurance Salary of Labor Insurance and Employment Insurance
Insured Salary of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labors Insurance, Employment Insurance and Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Premium
Coverage by Labor Pension
Contribution and Allocation of Worker's Individual Pension Account
How to Apply for Insurance Benefit?
How to Apply for the Other Labor Protection-related Allowances and Subsidies of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act?
Application for Labor Pension
Statistical Data
Annual Reports 2023
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Farmer Occupational Insurance
Farmer Pension
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
National Pension
Annual Reports 2022
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Farmer Occupational Insurance
Farmer Pension
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
National Pension
Annual Reports 2021
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Farmer Occupational Insurance
Farmer Pension
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
National Pension
Annual Reports 2020
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Farmer Occupational Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
National Pension
Annual Reports 2019
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2018
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2017
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2016
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2015
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2014
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2013
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2012
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2011
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2010
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2009
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2008
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance
Labor Pension
Annual Reports 2007
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance
Labor Pension
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Public Service
Simplified Calculation
Insurance Premium Calculation for Labor Insurance, Employment Insurance and Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Calculation of Labor Insurance/Employment Insurance/Occupational Accident Insurance Benefits, Allowances and Subsidies
Calculation of Labor Pension Monthly Pension Payments
Calculation of monthly insured salary (monthly contribution wage) against total monthly salary
Calculation for declaring adjustments to the monthly insured salary for labor insurance, employment insurance, and occupational accident insurance and monthly contribution wage for labor pension
Tables and Forms Download
Labor Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection
Labor Pension
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
National Pension
Laws & Regulations
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labor Pension
Other Regulations
How to Inquire Personal Insurance Data?
Those insured with Labor Insurance
The Special Insured of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Frequently-Asked Questions by Migrant Workers When Inquiring on Labor (Occupational Accident) Insurance Information through the “Online Application and Inquiry Download System for Foreign Workers” of the Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor
Telephone Directory
Bilingual Glossary
BLI local offices in cities and counties
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Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
National Pension
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Planning and Management Division
Enrollment Division
Ordinary Accident Benefits Payment Division
Premiums Division
Labor Pension Division
National Pension Division
Occupational Benefits Payment Division
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All FAQs
Labor Insurance
Insured Units
How to conduct labor insurance enrollment procedure for a newly established unit?
When using the "One-Stop Online Company/Business Registration System," what are the procedures related to the labor insurance system?
Company A and Company B are both enrolled in labor insurance each with its own distinct insurance number. Both companies merge, forming a new company. How should it apply for labor insurance enrollment?
When foreign companies establish representative or liaison offices within the territory of this country, could the representative and his/her employee enroll in labor insurance?
Enrollment and Withdrawal
Our company currently does not hire employees. How should we enroll in labor insurance?
Our company has closed down and the company owner established a new company. How should the company enroll its employees in labor insurance?
Can the company withdraw insurance if it will close down soon, and only one responsible person remains to handle related matters?
Are branch company (factory) employees insured by the head office? Or can the branch companies (factories) insure their employees?
How should employers insure their employees or withdraw their employees' insurance? Do employees need to be insured during their probation period?
Can I participate in labor insurance with an occupational union if I am unemployed?
Can I enroll in labor insurance if I turn 65 years old this year?
Can I apply for corrections with the Bureau if the company enrolled me in labor insurance late?
If an employee in my company is already insured with another company (or occupational union) or already has farmers insurance, do we still need to insure the employee?
Do cooperative education students need to participate in labor insurance?
How do I participate in labor insurance if I work at a company in China (overseas)?
How should we handle labor insurance when we intend to dispatch our employees to serve at our overseas branch companies?
Should interns who do not earn a salary be enrolled in labor insurance?
Should our company's consultant participate in labor insurance?
How should foreign labors apply to participate in labor insurance?
Do employers have to be insured under the name of their company?
Should the company enroll its commissioned managers into labor insurance? Are commissioned managers the target of compulsory or voluntary enrollment?
When will the insurance of a deceased employee be terminated when I forgot to withdraw the employee's insurance?
If an employee has resigned but is now working for another unit, will the Bureau automatically withdraw the employee's insurance enrolled by the employee's previous insured unit?
If the worker’s position taking or quitting date is on weekend, national holidays, memorial days, Labor Day or the work suspension days declared by the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan due to natural disasters (typhoon , extremely heavy rain, etc.), how should the employer arrange the insurance enrollment or withdrawal?
If there is a mistake or error in the insurance coverage enrollment and transfer application forms submitted by the insured unit, how should it correct this?
Can an insured person who is on sick leave apply for insurance withdrawal?
I have already claimed my old-age benefits for labor insurance. If I work again, can I participate in the insurance again?
If an insured person is transferred within the insured unit, how should the insured unit use the insurance transfer data sheet to enroll or withdraw employees' insurance?
When applying for old-age benefits, do insured persons have to submit a table of insurance withdrawal at the same time?
Whether the person in charge of an insured unit could withdraw from the labor insurance after enrolled?
Which type of foreign workers needs to be enrolled in Labor Insurance compulsorily?
Which type of foreign workers could enroll in Labor Insurance voluntarily?
For foreign servants and caretakers hired by natural person employers, how could they enroll in Labor Insurance?
Whether the foreign family servants and caretakers enroll in Labor Insurance with the business units operated by the employers?
When should the insured unit enroll its foreign workers in Labor Insurance? If it does not enroll its foreign workers in the insurance, what is the penalty or fine for it?
How to enroll the employed foreign workers in labor insurance coverage? How to fill the forms for insurance coverage enrollment?
There are many types of foreign labor, what documents shall be provided when enrolling in labor insurance?
How should the foreign labor apply to participate in labor insurance coverage if he/she is unable to obtain proof documents on the date he/she arrives at his/her post?
What condition could the foreign labor transfer his/her labor insurance coverage?
When the foreign labor quit the job, whether the insured unit should report and declare the withdrawal from labor insurance coverage?
Continue to Participate in Labor Insruance
I was laid off and currently receiving unemployment benefits. Can I continue to participate in labor insurance?
Apparently one may claim old-age benefits upon retirement after being insured by the same company for 25 years. If I was laid off, then can the Bureau's insurance seniority and the original company insurance seniority be regarded as the same insured unit seniority? How should the insurance premium be paid? If I find a job in the future, can I continue my insurance with the Bureau?
Our employees wish to apply for continuing their insurance during their unpaid parental leave, what are the criteria? How should the insurance premium be paid? When the insured persons resume employment after their parental leave, do they need to notify the Bureau of Labor Insurance?
I injured myself at work and my employer dismissed me, thus withdrawing my labor insurance. I am currently receiving treatment. Can I continue to participate in labor insurance? If yes, how much is the insurance premium? How should the insurance premium be paid?
An insured person continues to enroll in insurance after being laid off. Thereafter, the insured is hired to a job again and participates in labor insurance with the company. If the insured person is unsure whether one can continue to work within a short period, can the insured person not withdraw from the insurance the person has with the Bureau of Labor Insurance?
Insurance Salary
Our employees' monthly salary varies, how do we report adjustments to their insurance salary? Do we have to include their overtime pay in the reported insurance salary?
How does one report the labor insurance salary of part-time and short-term workers?
How should the person in charge report his/her insurance salary?
I reported adjustment to my insurance salary in January, why has it not affected the insurance premium for that month? Why is the amount payable by the unit shown on the payment slip more than that listed on the Table of Shared Insurance Premium?
The new employee has not served the company for more than 3 months. If the company adjusts the employee's salary, how should the insurance salary be adjusted?
Penal Provisions
What are the penalties imposed on insured units that fail to comply with regulations, enroll their employees in labor insurance, under-declares employees' insurance salary, or fail to pay their employees' insurance premium?
What penalty the insured unit would receive if it infringes the Labor Insurance Act and declares the insurance salary more or less than the actual amount?
If the employer fails to enroll his/her foreign employees in labor insurance coverage according to Labor Insurance Act and the employees suffer from occupational inquiries, is there any penalty or fine for it?
Change in Items of the Insured Units(Persons)
What should one do if changes are made to the company information?
After the person in charge of the company (employer) has claimed old-age benefits, whether the person in charge of the insured unit shall be replaced?
How do you proceed with changing the name, birth dates, or National ID number of an insured person?
Insurance Seniority
I have been working for 20 years. Why has my insurance seniority not yet reached 20 years?
Apparently discontinuing labor insurance for a period nullifies the original insurance seniority, is this true? My labor insurance was discontinued for 2 years, can I repay my insurance premium to continue my labor insurance?
I was hospitalized for an injury, is labor insurance premium subsidized?
How does an employee claim compensation for damage to his/her rights and interests as a result of his/her employer failing to take out labor (employment) insurance for him/her or to provide the truthful insurance salary of the employee to the Bureau of Labor Insurance?
Whether could the insurance coverage years for foreign labor be combined?
What to do when the basic information for the foreign labor is modified or in error?
Insurance Premium
Making the Payment
I injured myself at work and my employer dismissed me, thus withdrawing my labor insurance. I am currently receiving treatment. Can I continue to participate in labor insurance? If yes, how much is the insurance premium? How should the insurance premium be paid?
Paying my labor insurance premium at the bank is time-consuming. Are there any other alternative, more convenient ways of making my payment?
If the deduction fails due to insufficient funds in the account after premium direct deduction has been setup, what should the insured unit do?
According to regulations, persons who have been laid off but continued to participate in labor insurance must apply for labor insurance premium direct deduction. Why did they not receive payment receipts from the Bureau every month?
What do I do when I overpay (or pay twice) my labor insurance premium?
I was laid off. I want to continue my enrollment in labor insurance voluntarily, how do I pay the premiums? Will there be any consequences if I fail to pay the premiums on time?
If my insurance premium is overdue, when will the Bureau of Labor Insurance send a collection notice and/or issue a deadline for the payment?
What are the consequences of unpaid insurance premiums?
Under what circumstances will the insured unit's labor insurance coverage be terminated by the Bureau of Labor Insurance if there are unpaid insurance premiums?
Is it possible to arrange for an installment plan for unpaid premiums? If the installment plan has been arranged, can the payment of benefits be resumed?
What should do if insured persons, who participate in labor insurance as members of occupational union or Class A member of fishermen association, fail to pay insurance premium on time?
When do the insured persons and insured units, who participate in labor insurance as members of occupational union or Class A member of fishermen’s association pay for their monthly insurance premium?
If an insured person belonging to a labor union or fishermen’s association has not paid his/her premium or overdue fine, what are the consequences?
Why does the Bureau of Labor Insurance issue collection notices to insured persons belonging to labor unions or fishermen’s associations?
How should the payment be made if an insured person belonging to a labor union or fishermen’s association receives a collection notice from the Bureau of Labor Insurance?
An insured unit or insured person belonging to a labor union or fishermen's association has outstanding insurance premium and the Bureau of Labor Insurance has transferred the case to the Administrative Enforcement Agency. If a collection notice is received from the Administrative Enforcement Agency, what should the insured unit or person do?
How are the insured person's rights and interests affected when the insured unit fails to pay the premium on time?
How should foreign labor’s labor insurance premium be shared?
Could the foreign labors apply for the premium refund when he (she) goes back to home country after completed the work contract?
Payment Slips and Receipts
May the insured person belonging to a general insured unit apply for reissuing proof of payment to the Bureau?
Will payment slips and receipts be mail out to the insured units if premium direct deduction with a financial institution has been setup?
Whether should a receipt be issued by an insured unit which deducts or collect insurance premium paid and shouldered by the insured person?
How do you apply for reissuance of lost payment receipts?
How do I request an additional copy of the payment slip if I haven't received it?
What should we do if our company did not receive the payment slip for this month?
Overdue payment penalties
How are the overdue payment penalties calculated?
If an insured person belonging to a labor union or fishermen’s association no longer works in his or her affiliated industry, or has enrolled in Labor Insurance at another insured unit, what should he or she do?
Recent media reports have revealed that the labor pension fund will experience a loss. Is this true? How did the government respond?
How to handle the situation for which the insurance premium deducted by insured units is different from what is listed by the Bureau of Labor Insurance on the insurance premium paying-in slip?
If I enrolled in insurance in a month comprising 31 days, what is the difference in insurance premium for those enrolled in a 30-day month?
I have not claimed any labor insurance benefits, can I apply for refund for the labor insurance premium I paid before?
What is the labor insurance pension?
How is the average monthly insured salary calculated for the labor insurance pension?
Under the labor insurance pension policy, how does the BLI determine the exact length of time I have been insured?
With the labor insurance pension, what types of benefits do the workers get?
What are the advantages of the labor insurance pension policy?
Do I lose qualifications if I do not claim my pension within five years of surrendering the insurance?
Are application forms required to claim the labor insurance pension?
If I apply for the old-age pension benefit, which day of each month will the money be available?
What should be done if the insured persons die only a few years after they start receiving the labor insurance pension benefits?
If my spouse dies a few years after I apply for the Old-age Pension Benefit, can I also apply for the Survivors Pension Benefit?
After the implementation of the labor insurance pension policy, can I still claim a one-time payment?
After choosing the monthly pension payments, can I change my mind and claim a one-time payment?
How long can the insured person receive his/her payments?
Since the old-age pension benefit is adjusted based on the CPI accumulated growth rate, will there be any difference between claiming the first and the second payment method?
I am receiving an old-age pension benefit of NT$20,000 per month. Will this amount be increased in the future?
Since the launch of the labor insurance pension system in 2009 up to 2016, how has the CPI accumulated growth rate been calculated for each year (the year when the beneficiary starts to receive the payment)?
Will there be any adjustment to the labor insurance pension payment in 2017? In which month will the adjustment become effective?
I applied for the old-age pension benefit in October, 2010. An adjustment of 5.45% has been made since May 2015. Will I receive further increases in 2017?
As a follow-up question, I have already received an adjustment of 5.45% to my labor insurance pension payment. Will this be changed to 5.10% in 2017?
I started receiving the old-age pension benefit in February 2012, will I also receive an increased payment starting from May 2017?
If I am entitled to an adjustment of labor insurance pension payments from May 2017, when will I receive the adjusted payments?
Further to the previous question, why is my labor insurance pension payment amount adjusted starting from May 2017 and not from January 2017?
I started to receive old-age pension benefits in July 2011. The amount is NT$20,000 per month. How much will the increased amount to be received be for May 2017?
Further to the previous question, how do I know if my labor insurance pension payments have been adjusted and by how much? Will the Bureau of Labor Insurance notify me via written notice?
Maternity Benefits
Who is entitled to receive maternity benefits and how is the payment calculated?
If an insured female leaves her job for certain reasons and terminates her labor insurance after she becomes pregnant, can she still claim the maternity benefits after she gives birth to a child?
To apply for maternity benefits, what documents should I prepare?
If a husband is covered by Labor Insurance but the wife is not covered by labor insurance, could she claim for maternity benefits?
If a female insured person makes a delivery but since she is not legally married so there is no name for the father of the newborn in the household registration, can she claim for maternity benefits?
Do the application forms for labor the insurance maternity benefits need to be endorsed and submitted by the insured unit?
Labor Insurance Maternity Benefits Online Application Procedure Q&A
Is the maternity benefits different for natural birth and caesarean birth? Is there any extra payment for a twin delivery?
Are mothers who give birth out of wedlock eligible for the maternity benefits under the labor insurance program? Am I still eligible over a year after delivery? If an employee's wife delivers a child, is he also eligible for this benefit? Does any other social insurance also offer maternity benefits?
Injury or Sickness Benefits
How does an insured person apply for injury and sickness benefits if he or she has been compensated according to his or her original wage rate pursuant to Article 59 of the Labor Standards Act?
What is the qualification and benefit standard for claiming injury and sickness benefits?
If an insured unit has premium arrears, can an insured person who works for it apply for the injury or sickness benefit because of his/her hospitalization for injury or sickness?
After an occupational accident, if the insured person works half a day and goes to hospital for rehabilitation the other half of the day and receives only part of his/her salary, can he/she claim the injury or sickness benefit of the occupational accident insurance?
If an insured person suffers from a major disease and holds a major injury/disease card, can he/she apply for the injury or sickness benefit?
Can the insured person apply for occupational injury benefits if the incident leading to the injury occurs when commuting to or from work?
How to apply for injury or sickness benefits? What documents are needed for the application?
In case of being hospitalized for less than 4 days, receiving only outpatient treatment or recuperating at home, could an insured person apply for injury or sickness benefits of ordinary accident?
Can an insured person who is withdrawn from insurance coverage after sustaining injury or suffering from sickness still apply for injury or sickness benefits?
Why the regulation says that the insured person could not claim injury or sickness benefits if he/she could obtain the original salary for the period the insured person is unable to work?
If an insured person is laid off and continue to participate in labor insurance, whether he/she could apply for injury and sickness benefits if he/she is involved in an accident?
If the insured person is hospitalized due to ordinary injury or sickness and applies for special leave, thereby not affecting the payment of his or her “regular salary or wages,” will he/she be able to apply for injury and sickness benefits?
Can the insured person apply for injury and sickness benefits if he or she has already claimed disability benefits?
If the insured person is on temporary leave without pay during ordinary injury or sickness and remains enrolled in Labor Insurance, is he or she eligible to apply for injury and sickness benefits if hospitalized treatment is required?
If the insured person incurs ordinary injury or sickness during temporary parental leave without pay to care for his or her infant child and requires hospital care, is he or she eligible to apply for ordinary injury and sickness benefits?
Disability Benefits
To collect the pension payout through the individualized professional assessment, if an individualized has already sent in the old form, can the individualized change whose application to the disability pension payout scheme?
How long does it take to undergo the individualized professional assessment? When will the pension payout be released?
Upon undergoing the individualized professional assessment, are there any differences to an individual’s relevant equity? How does the amount of the disability pension payout calculated?
During the period of collecting the disability pension payment, can an individual continue to join the insurance? Can the individual collect the old-age benefits?
Is a dialysis patient eligible for disability benefits?
Is a female insured person eligible for claiming disability benefits after having hysterectomy due to uterine fibroids at more than 45 years of age?
Should an insured person withdraw from labor insurance coverage after applying and received disability benefits?
In the event that an insured person withdraws from insurance coverage and is diagnosed of having an occupational sickness and determined as permanently disable, is he/she eligible for occupational benefits payment?
What is the disability pension’s individualized professional assessment mechanism?
Why does it need to append the “individualized professional assessment mechanism”? Does it have a premise of law?
When has the individualized professional assessment mechanism been implemented? When an individualized has collected the onetime payout on the same disability condition prior to the induction of the scheme, can the individualized revamp to collecting the pension payout through the assessment mechanism?
Following the induction of the individualized professional assessment mechanism, has the disability benefits application method been changed? How does one apply for the individualized professional assessment?
Do all individuals filing for the “disability pension payout” required to undergo the individualized professional assessment?
Upon undergoing the individualized professional assessment, will an individualized be eligible to collect the pension by month?
What is the qualification and benefit standard for claiming disability benefits?
What documents are required when applying for disability benefits?
Where can the insured person obtain the related data for labor insurance disability benefits standard?
After the implementation of newly amended Labor Insurance Act on January 1, 2009, do disability benefits could only be claimed monthly?
If the insured person claims disability pension benefits, what kind of qualifications should the insured person’s spouse and children meet to claim for extra dependent allowances?
If a Labor Insurance insured person is more than 60 years of age and has more than 20 years of insurance coverage, and has become vegetable state after receiving medical treatment for cerebral hemorrhage, could he/she claim for old age pension and disability pension benefits?
If an insured person has severe disability, is it true that no matter the insured person claim for lump sum-disability benefits or disability pension benefits, he/she could not claim death benefits when he/she dies?
If an insured person of Labor Insurance has participated in National Pension Insurance, Could he/she include the insurance coverage year of National Pension Insurance when claiming for disability benefits? How would the benefit amount be calculated?
If an insurance person of labor insurance loses eight of his/her teeth due to a traffic accident, Could he/she claim for disability benefits?
Is an insured person eligible for disability benefits for having organ transplant on the viscera in Chest and Abdomen?
Old-Age Benefits
What is the qualification and benefit standard for claiming old-age benefits?
What is the qualification and benefit standard for claiming lump-sum old-age benefits?
What is the qualification and benefit standard for claiming one-time old-age benefits?
How is old-age benefits applied?
The age for old-age benefits is based on actual age or nominal age?
If I am already 60 years old on April of 2010 with 30 years of insurance coverage seniority, and I have already withdrew from Labor Insurance coverage. But I didn’t file an application until December of 2010 and the time delay for claiming pension is less than 1 year, whether I am able to claim the extra amount of pension for delaying pension claim?
Is it true that the old-age pension could be claimed in advance?
If I claim old-age pension 3 years in advance, and after I have gotten 3 years of old-age pension at 60 years old, Could I change to claim full amount of old-age pension without the deduction?
If I claim for old-age pension in advance and after I have received the pension for some times, I find a new job, Can I retract and stop the pension benefit?
I have already participated in Labor Insurance for 18 years and I am 56 years of age but I am still working, Could I claim one-time old-age benefits now?
I participated in Labor Insurance after the implementation of Labor Insurance Pension on January 1 of 2009, Could I also claim for one-time old-age benefits?
I am 50 years old when Labor Insurance Pension is implemented, when could I claim for old-age pension benefits?
I have resigned from work and withdrew from insurance for many years. If I want to apply for old-age benefits at 65 years old, do I still need the insured unit to affix its seal?
If I am already 60 years old in January of 2010 with 25 years of insurance coverage seniority and have withdrew from Labor Insurance, I originally still want to find a job but without success until I am 62 years old, How much old-age pension could I receive?
Survivor Benefits
What are the qualifications, claiming order and benefit standards for claiming survivor benefits?
What are the documents needed for claiming survivor benefits?
If an insured person doesn’t have a beneficiary as defined in Labor Insurance Act, could a beneficiary be appointed? If not, how could funeral grant be claimed?
In case a foreign worker dies, or the survivors of an insured person do not have household registration in Taiwan, how should the survivors claim the survivor benefits?
In the event that an insured person dies but left with spouse, could the insured person’s parents claim survivor benefits?
In the event that an insured person is dead, and has divorced with his/her spouse and has under age children, how could his/her beneficiary apply for death compensation?
If an insured person dies during the effective period of the insurance and he/she has met the qualifications for claiming old-age benefits, could the insured person’s beneficiary choose to collect one-time old-age benefits?
If, after receiving the labor insurance old-age benefits, an insured person is hired to be actually engaged in work again, voluntarily participates in the occupational accident insurance program and then dies, can his/her survivors claim the survivor benefits?
What the “marriage relationship lasting more than 1 year” means?
Whether the application and issuance of survivor pension are the same with other pension?
Is the survivor’s pension receivable for life?
In case there are two or more persons who claim the funeral grant or the survivor’s pension (allowance), how shall the benefit be paid? If they cannot reach an agreement, how will the BLI pay the benefit to them?
In case among the survivors who have the same priority in claiming the survivor benefits, one would like to claim the survivor pension while another would like to claim the survivor allowances, how can the problem be solved?
If an insured person dies while receiving the old-age pension, can his/her survivors still claim the funeral grant?
Suppose there is an insured person who is diagnosed as being permanently incapacitated for work and receives the disability benefits and whose labor insurance is directly terminated by the BLI according to the law. If this insured person dies within one year after the termination of force of said insurance because of the same injury or disease as occurred when he/she was still covered by said insurance or because of a disease resulting from aforesaid injury or disease, can the survivor benef
When the survivor pension payment is remitted to a bank account overseas each month, there is a handling charge to be paid. Can the BLI reduce the charge?
In the event of a severely disabled insured person, is it true that whether he/she has received the disability benefits in one lump-sum or the disability pension benefits, his/her survivor cannot claim the survivor benefits if he/she dies in the future?
After terminating his/her labor insurance, an insured person claims the mental/physical disability pension when he/she is covered by the national pension insurance, based on the combined years of both labor insurance coverage and national pension insurance coverage. The insured person dies within one year after termination of the labor insurance and his/her case is in compliance with Article 20 of the Labor Insurance Act. How should the labor insurance survivor benefits be paid?
What is the qualification and benefit standard for claiming funeral grant?
If the dependent of a foreign labor dies, could the insured foreign labor claim funeral grant? What are the documents Required?
What are the documents Required to apply for funeral grant?
When an insured person claims a funeral grant because of the death of his/her parent, spouse or child, is there any requirement about the years of insurance coverage?
If more than two insured persons apply for the funeral grant, how should the grant be paid? If they cannot reach an agreement, how will the BLI pay them?
Two brothers both participate in Labor Insurance. When their parents are dead, whether the two brothers could claim funeral grant separately?
Two brothers participate in Labor Insurance and Government Employee’s Insurance individually. When their parents are dead, whether they could claim funeral grant separately?
When an insured person dies, if any of his/her survivors, such as his/her spouse, parent or child, is also covered by the labor insurance, can this survivor claim the benefit for the death of a family member?
If an insured person gives a stillbirth or if her fetus or baby dies in her womb, can she claim a funeral grant for death of a family member?
If an insured person delivers a baby or gives a premature birth, but the baby dies before the birth is registered, can a funeral grant for death of a family member be claimed?
Designated Labor Insurance Accounts
What is a “Designated Account for Labor Insurance Benefits”? Why is it different from the regular accounts?
What are the benefits of establishing a Designated Account for Labor Insurance Benefits?
How to apply for a Designated Account for Labor Insurance Benefits?
In case an individual has already opened a designated account for the employment insurance benefits, national pension payment, labor pension payment (monthly payment), farmers pension or welfare allowance for elderly farmers, can this account be used for the deposits of labor insurance benefits?
Employment Insurance
Except participating in Labor Insurance, could foreign workers also enroll in Employment Insurance?
I am already covered by Labor Insurance, do I still need to participate in the Employment Insurance?
Who should participate in the Employment Insurance Program?
The number of employees in our company is fewer than 5. Is the company therefore not required to enroll its employees in the employment insurance program?
One of our employees is about to attain 65 years of age, are we required to apply for withdrawal of employment insurance on the employee's behalf?
I hold two jobs concurrently, am I required to be enrolled in employment insurance through both employers?
How is the monthly insured salary for employment insurance insured persons declared? What are the premium rates and premium sharing ratio of the employer and employee?
Are insured units subject to penalties if they fail to enroll their employees in employment insurance in accordance with governing regulations,under-declare the employment insurance insured salary of their employees, or fail to pay the insurance premiums for their employees?
How should the insured unit pay the premium for Employment Insurance?
If an insured unit does not participate in labor insurance and only participate in employment insurance, how should the insurance premium be paid?
Unemployment Benefits
A married couple (e.g., Mr. X and Mrs. X) both have claimed and received unemployment benefits and they have an underage son who has no work income. Mr. X has already applied for extra dependent benefits for the son, could Mrs. X also apply for the extra benefits?
How do I apply for extra dependent benefits or allowance?
Can I apply for extra unemployment benefits or vocational training living allowance if I have minor stepchildren?
If the dependent has claimed unemployment benefits, vocational training living allowance and parental leave allowance at the same period, could the unemployed labor apply for extra unemployment benefits or vocational training living allowance for the dependent?
What qualification should an unemployed laborer meet for extra dependent benefits or allowance? How much could one get?
What is “involuntarily separation from employment”?
What is the maximum period for claiming unemployment benefits?
During the period of receiving unemployment benefits, if the insured person takes a job and earns additional income, will his or her eligibility for unemployment benefits be affected?
Under which circumstance, the applicant may not claim unemployment benefits?
If there is a labor-management dispute between the applicant and former employer due to the applicant leaving work, may unemployment benefits be claimed?
For insured persons who have resigned and claimed old-age benefits, could they claim unemployment benefits or vocational training living allowances?
Will a reset of the employment insurance coverage seniority affect Labor Insurance old-age benefits?
If a person claiming unemployment benefits is re-employed, what should he do?
What is the limitation period for applying unemployment benefits?
After the amended Employment Insurance Act has come into effect, who can receive unemployment benefits up to 9 months?
Early Reemployment Incentives
What are “Early reemployment incentives”?
How do I calculate the working seniority when I have participated in the employment insurance for 3 months after being hired again to a job?
Is there a time limit for applying for early reemployment incentives?
Online Application Procedure Q&A
Vocational Training Living Allowances
What are “Vocational training living allowances”?
What is so-called “Full-time vocational training”?
How do you calculate vocational training living allowances for those who withdraw from or terminate their vocational training during the training period or after having participated for more than 1 month and n days (odd number; less than 30 days)?
Is there a time limit for applying for vocational training living allowances?
When receiving vocational training living allowances, if the insured person engages in part-time work, can he or she continue to apply for vocational training living allowances?
After an insured person resigns from one's job and participates in employment insurance with the occupational union, can he/she apply for vocational training living allowances?
After the Employment Insurance Act has been amended, unemployment benefits for persons aged 45 or above or with disabilities may be extended to 9 months. Will Vocational training living allowances also be extended to 9 months?
If there is a labor-management dispute between the applicant and former employer due to the applicant leaving work, may vocational training living allowances be claimed?
Unpaid Parental Leave Allowances
What are the criteria and benefit standard for applying for parental leave allowances?
I have already applied for unpaid parental leave allowances. When will I receive the allowances?
How long in advance should the unpaid parental leave allowances be applied for?
If a mother is on parental leave without pay to raise twins, how many months of parental leave allowances can she receive?
If the parents raise a child at the same time and they have already applied for unpaid parental leave. How many months could they claim for unpaid parental leave allowances?
If both parents are insured under Employment Insurance a, can they apply for parental leave allowances simultaneously?
If an insured person returns to one's job post for 1 day or more during one's parental leave allowances period, can he/she continue to receive the allowances?
If an insured person resumes employment ahead of schedule or leaves employment during the period for which he or she receives parental leave allowances, should he or she take the initiative to notify the Bureau of Labor Insurance of his or her situation?
Can I continue to receive unpaid parental leave allowances if I am attending classes at another training unit?
Can I continue to receive unpaid parental leave allowances if I have another job?
If an insured person incurs injury or sickness while receiving parental leave allowances, can he or she apply for and receive both parental leave allowances and Labor Insurance injury and sickness benefits at the same time?
Can an insured person continue to receive unpaid parental leave allowances if the person non-voluntarily resigns during the period of applying for unpaid parental leave?
I have received 6 months parental leave allowances. Will this influence my employment insurance seniority?
I have received unemployment benefits and then applied for unpaid parental leave allowances. How is the employment insurance seniority calculated?
If I am concurrently employed by two insured units, how should I apply for unpaid parental leave allowances? Will my insured salary be jointly calculated?
How should I apply for unpaid parental leave allowances if my children do not hold household registration in Taiwan, but possess foreign birth certificate?
Can I apply for unpaid parental leave allowances if I have adopted children or children born out of wedlock?
If a person in charge has a job and has participated in labor insurance for more than one year, can the person apply for unpaid parental leave allowances?
If I gave birth to a second child during my unpaid parental leave for my first child, can I continue to receive unpaid parental leave allowances?
If an employee assumes the role of a temporary person in charge for another unit during one's unpaid parental leave period, can the employee continue to receive unpaid parental leave allowances?
How do I apply for the governmental reinstatement care assistance after my unpaid parental leave?
Q&A Regarding the Application for Parental Leave Allowances During the Trial Adoption Period for a Child Younger than 3 Years Old.
Q&A related to issuing monthly unpaid parental leave allowances at the beginning of the month
National Health Insurance Premium Subsidies
For the unemployed insured person and his or her dependents, who are eligible and what are the criteria, standards and benefit period limit for National Health Insurance premium subsidies?
In the event that the applicant is 45 years old or older when separated from employment and withdrawn from this insurance program or mental or physical impaired, the payment of unemployment benefits may be extended to a maximum of nine months, so is the National Health Insurance premium subsidies?
Designated Employment Insurance Account
What is “designated employment insurance account”?
Who can open a designated employment insurance account?
What is the difference between a designated employment insurance account and a regular account?
How do I apply for a designated employment insurance account? What documents do I need to prepare?
When I apply for unemployment benefit or vocational training living allowance at a public employment service institution, do I still need to apply for a designated account at the Bureau of Labor Insurance?
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Registered Entities
Who is covered by labor occupational accident insurance?
Are those over 65 years old or those that have received labor insurance old-age benefits which are re-employed workers required to apply for labor occupational accident insurance?
Who are the compulsory insured for labor occupational accident insurance announced at present?
Who are the voluntary insured for labor occupational accident insurance announced at present?
Vocational Training Institution
Upon the insured in a vocational training institution applies for labor occupational accident insurance, when will the insurance take effect?
The Occupational Union (Fishermen’s Association)
How do occupational workers (fishermen) who are also employed by registered business units apply for labor occupational accident insurance?
Declaration Method
How do general units apply their employees for labor occupational accident insurance?
Insurance Effect
When will the insurance coverage become effective for the insured of labor occupational accident insurance and when will it terminate?
Insured Salary
What are the maximum and minimum insurance levels for labor occupational accident insurance? What is the difference between labor occupational accident insurance and labor/employment insurance?
Are the regulations on adjustment of levels of salary for labor occupational accident insurance different from those for labor/employment insurance?
When the employer unit declares that there is a difference between the monthly insured salary of the employee's labor occupational accident insurance and the actual salary, which one shall prevail in terms of applying for receiving the benefits?
What is the share of insurance premiums for labor occupational accident insurance?
Is there any difference in regulations on the actual performance fee rate of labor occupational accident insurance?
What is the frequency and date of delivery of the labor occupational accident insurance premium payment slip?
Are the payment methods of labor occupational accident insurance premiums (excluding special enrollment) and labor insurance premiums the same? What are the methods?
If a household migrant workers unit applies for a transfer, will the insurance premiums be deducted quarterly?
Will payment slips and receipts be mail out to the household migrant workers units if premium direct deduction with a financial institution has been setup? Will a separate receipt be sent after the payment is successfully deducted?
If the deduction fails due to insufficient funds in the account after premium direct deduction has been setup, will a payment slip be sent to the household migrant workers unit for payment?
What are the consequences of unpaid insurance premiums?
How is the overdue payment penalties calculated?
After the labor occupational accident insurance is launched on May 1, 2022, how will the annual actual performance fee rate be implemented?
What is the penalty for late declaration or omission of declaration of employees' application for labor occupational accident occupational accident insurance?
What is the penalty for failure to verify and declare the employees’ insured salary for labor occupational accident occupational accident insurance?
What is the penalty for labor occupational accident insurance if the unit refuses to provide inspection data?
What is the penalty from labor occupational accident occupational accident insurance for failure to prepare employee roster and attendance and salary information?
What is the penalty for failure of the employer to pay the labor occupational accident occupational accident insurance premiums?
What are the announcement items of reputational penalties for the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act?
Injury or Sickness Benefits
What is the qualification and benefit standard for claiming Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
How to apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance? What documents are needed for the application?
Can the insured person apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance if he or she has already claimed Permanent Disability Benefits?
After the occupational accident worker continues to apply for the ordinary accident insurance of labor insurance according to regulations, can he/she continue to apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
After an occupational accident, if the insured person works half a day and goes to hospital for rehabilitation the other half of the day and receives only part of his/her salary, can he/she claim the Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
If the insured has been compensated according to the originally insured salary amount due to occupational injury or Sickness, can he/she apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits for labor occupational accident insurance?
In the event of an injury or disease accident, if two (or more) insured units apply for the insurance, which insured unit should be the one to apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
If an insured person suffers from a major disease and holds a major injury/disease card, can he/she apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
During the stay due to injury or disease, can the worker still apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
Can an insured person who is withdrawn from insurance coverage after sustaining injury or suffering from sickness still apply for Injury or Sickness Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
Permanent Disability Benefits
What is the qualification and benefit standard for claiming Permanent Disability Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
How to apply for Permanent Disability Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance? What documents are needed for the application?
Is the permanent disability pension of labor occupational accident insurance the same as that of labor insurance, does one have to lose more than 70% of his/her working ability in order to be eligible to claim the pension?
If the insured is permanently disabled due to an occupational accident, can he/she apply for both labor insurance old-age pension and labor occupational accident insurance permanent disability pension?
Are the types, items and levels of Permanent Disability Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance the same as that of labor insurance?
Is the insured entitled to claim the permanent disability benefits of the labor occupational accident insurance after being given the disability card after suffering the occupational accident?
Do I have to withdraw from the insurance in order to apply for the permanent disability pension of labor occupational accident insurance?
If the insured is already partially disabled and then suffers another occupational accident, can he/she claim again the Permanent Disability Benefits? How to determine the aggravation of levels of disability?
Survivor Benefits
What are the eligibility, priority and payment standards for Survivor Benefit from labor occupational accident insurance?
What documents are required to apply for Survivor Benefit from labor occupational accident insurance?
When the insured does not have any beneficiary under the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act, can such beneficiary be designated? If not, how to apply for the funeral grant?
If the insured passes away due to an occupational accident, can his/her parents apply for Survivor Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance?
How to apply for Survivor Benefits from labor occupational accident insurance if a foreign migrant worker passes away, or the insured's surviving family members do not have household registration in ROC?
How to claim the survivor benefit if the insured passes away, have divorced his/her spouse, and the child(s) is minor?
What does "marriage relationship lasted for more than one year" mean?
Is the application and payment of the survivor pension the same as the permanent disability pension?
Is the survivor pension available for a lifetime?
How to apply when there are more than 2 people applying for funeral grant or survivor pension (Survivor allowances, Lump-sum survivor benefits)? If the agreement fails to be reached, how will the BLI make the distribution?
What to do if some of the surviving family members of the same priority want to receive the pension while some want the allowance?
The insured is assessed to be incapable of working for life, receives Permanent disability pension for complete or severe disability due to occupational injury or disease and whose insurance coverage has been terminated with the law by the BLI. If the insured person pass away due to the same occupational injury or disease within one year from the day following the end of coverage, can the surviving family members apply for Survivor Benefit from labor occupational accident insurance?
Can all surviving family members claim the survivor pension?
Under what circumstances can the surviving family members apply for the survivor pension?
How is survivor pension calculated when the insured passes away due to an occupational accident during the insurance coverage period?
If the insured applies for the insurance for the first time after January 1, 2009 and passes away due to an occupational accident, and all of the surviving family members do not meet the requirements for survivor pension, what benefits can be applied for?
If the insured applies for the insurance for the first time after January 1, 2009 and then passes away due to an occupational accident, and the parents are the beneficiaries. What are the requirements for claiming a survivor pension? What kind of benefits can the surviving family members apply for?
Will there be any discount on the handling fee deducted when the survivor pension payment is remitted to the foreign account every month?
Medical Care Benefits
How can an insured person receive treatment when suffering from an occupational injury or sickness?
How can the occupational injury/sickness medical treatment forms be obtained?
What should the insured do if he/she does not bring the relevant documents when receiving medical treatment for an occupational accident?
What are the documents required to apply for medical expense reimbursements?
If an insured person receives treatment for an occupational injury or sickness at a non-National Health Insurance Program contracted medical institution, how can he/she apply for reimbursement for the medical expenses?
If an insured person suffers from an occupational injury or sickness and receives treatment abroad, how can he/she apply for reimbursement after returning to Taiwan? What are the payment standards?
Can all out-of-pocket expenses for specific medical materials be refunded?
What are the items requiring partial out-of-pocket payments?
Allowance and Subsidy
Care Subsidy
What is the care subsidy?
What are the eligibility requirements, payment criteria and required documents for the care subsidy for Care Subsidy for Occupational Accident Hospitalized Treatment?
What are the eligibility requirements, payment criteria and required documents for Permanent Disability Care Subsidy?
Medical Subsidy after Withdrawing from the Insurance
Can I apply for medical subsidy if I suffer an occupational disease after withdrawing from the insurance?
Occupational Disease Permanent Disability Allowances after Withdrawing from the Insurance
What are the eligibility requirements, payment criteria and required documents for permanent disability allowances for Occupational Accident Hospitalized Treatment?
Occupational Disease Death Allowances after Withdrawing from the Insurance
What is the eligibility for death allowances, priority of surviving family members’, the standard of payment and the required documents?
If the worker passes away after applying for permanent disability allowances, can he/she apply for death allowances?
Death Subsidy for Uninsured Occupational Accident Workers
What are the eligibility requirements, payment criteria and required documents for Death Subsidy for Uninsured Occupational Accident Workers?
Permanent Disability Subsidy for Uninsured Occupational Accident Workers
What are the eligibility requirements, payment criteria and required documents for Permanent Disability Subsidy for Uninsured Occupational Accident Workers?
Health Examination to Prevent Occupational Disease and Follow-up Health Examination
What is a health inspection for occupational sickness prevention?
How should I apply for the labor insurance health examination for occupational diseases prevention?
What is the health tracking examination for the prevention of occupational disease?
How to apply for an occupational disease prevention health tracking examination?
Which medical institutions are qualified to perform occupational disease prevention health examination and health tracking examination?
What should an insured person pay attention to while going to an approved medical institution to receive the health examination?
Labor Pension
After the implementation of new labor pension system, does the newly employed labor only could apply to the new system?
If a labor chooses to apply to new labor pension system, how should the seniority in old system before selecting new system be handled?
Pension Contribution and Termination
Who are the targets of compulsory contribution in new labor pension system?
Who are the targets of voluntary contribution in new labor pension system?
Is new labor pension system applicable in cram schools? Do the teachers and staffs in cram schools need to contribute to labor retirement pension?
Is Labor Standards Act applicable to private clinics or hospitals? Whether private clinics or hospitals need to contribute labor pension for all of their personnel?
Whether the national labors, the foreign spouses and mainland (including Hong Kong, Macao) spouses who do not apply to Labor Standards Act contribute to labor pension for themselves?
What is the appointed worker? Whether he/she could contribute to labor pension? If the insured unit does not want to contribute labor pension for him/her, what kind of proof documents should be submitted?
If a labor has retired and claimed old age benefits and then is hired again to a job, whether the employer should contribute labor pension for the employee?
Whether a company could contribute pension under new labor pension system for the foreign labors hired by the company?
Whether a company could contribute pension for employee in probation period?
Whether the employers only need to contribute to labor pension for the labors who participate in labor insurance?
If a director also has other post within the enterprise unit, whether the company should contribute labor pension for the director?
Which people in the public agency could apply to Labor Standards Act? Whether labor pension should be contributed to them?
Whether the contracted personnel in public agencies are the targets applicable to Labor Standards Act? Whether labor pension should be contributed under new labor pension system?
Whether the temporary personnel in public agencies are applicable to Labor Standards Act? Whether labor retirement pension should be contributed under new labor pension system?
Whether the public medical hospitals should contribute labor pension for temporary personnel employed by public medical hospitals?
How should the self-employed operators contribute pension?
Open Account and Basic Information Changes
Could newly established unit only conduct the labor pension contribution procedure?
For business units that are not applicable to Labor Standards Act, how could they apply for Labor Pension Contribution?
When a law office, accounting firm, patent agent, tax accounting agent, or insurance agent is newly established, how should it conduct the labor pension contribution account opening procedure?
Under what condition should a collecting unit apply for basic information modification?
Pension Contribution, Pension Termination and the Report and Adjustment of Wage
If I choose to apply to new labor pension system, will my seniority in the old pension system be written off? May I ask my employer to pay off the retirement payment in old system? Can my employer refuse to pay off?
Whether it is against the law if the employer deducts the 6% contribution of labor pension from my wages? And what should I do to protect my rights?
My employer told me that our company has only three employees, does not need to provide labor insurance, and therefore the company does not have to contribute to my labor pension. Is this true?
If a retired laborer has claimed old-age benefits and then is hired again to a job, whether the employer should contribute labor pension for the employee? When can he/she claim the labor pension?
I am a part-time worker at a fast food restaurant. Does my employer have to contribute labor pension for me? Also, I am working part-time at three different fast food restaurants. Is it ok for just one of the employers to contribute to my pension, or would each of the employer need to contribute for me?
My employer contributes 6% of my labor pension for me each month. I also want to contribute voluntarily. How much is the contribution rate? How do I apply for voluntary contribution? How do I pay for voluntary contributions? What is the benefit of voluntary pension contribution?
Is monthly contribution wage calculated based on total salary, base salary or receivable salary? If there is a change to monthly contribution wage, what kind of forms should be filled out to report the adjustment?
How is the pension borne by employers calculated? How is the contribution calculated for not full month?
When will the Bureau of Labor Insurance send the labor pension payment slip? When should it be paid? And how do you pay it?
Who are the targets for compulsory contribution under new labor pension system? Whether the employers only need to contribute to labor pension for the laborers who participate in labor insurance?
Could public agencies (include public authorities, public schools and public hospitals) use combined application form from the BLI’s website to conduct Labor Insurance and National Health Insurance enrollment and labor pension contribution?
How should commissioned workers and laborers not applicable to the Labor Standard Act contribute labor pension voluntarily? If they are still working and no longer wish to contribute voluntarily, how should they terminate voluntary contribution? In addition, can those over the age of 60 years contribute labor pension?
Because I have been physically unwell lately, I have applied for a month of sick leave. My employer told me that they are going to terminate my labor pension contribution because I will not be working for an entire month. Is this legal? What if I applied for unpaid sick leave? What will the difference be if I was involved in occupational accident?
Whether overtime pay should be included in labor pension contribution wages? How about the year-end bonuses and special payment for 3 Festivals?
If my wage is greater than the insurance salary in the highest (NT$45,800) or lowest (NT$11,100) grade category, can I complete the Insured Salary for Labor Insurance, Insured Amount for National Health Insurance and Contribution Wage for Labor Pension 3 in 1 Adjustment Form? What amount of wages should I write? How should part-time employees whose wages are less than NT$11,100 contribute their labor pension?
How can an employer report an adjustment of contribution wage? When will the adjustment become effective? How can a laborer with an unstable monthly salary report one's adjustment to monthly contribution wage? When adjusting my monthly contribution wage, must my monthly insurance salary for labor insurance be adjusted simultaneously?
Under what circumstance should the company report to the Bureau of Labor Insurance regarding changes to basic information? Should changes to telephone number be reported? How should changes be reported? When should the company report changes to employees' basic information?
If an employer wishes to adjust the monthly contribution wage, what kind of forms should be filled out to report the adjustment? What must they pay attention to when reporting the adjustment? When will the adjustment become effective? What forms should be completed if the company employees wish to adjust their personal voluntary contribution? Will the adjustment become effective at the same time as that for adjusting employer's contribution rate? Can a contribution rate be adjusted only twic
How should one make direct account deduction for labor pension? Which day of the month will the deduction take place? If there is insufficient balance in the account on the day of the deduction, how would the Bureau of Labor Insurance handle it?
How does the overdue penalty for Labor Pension calculated? If it is overdue again, how will the Bureau of Labor Insurance handle it?
When a laborer inquires the balance in one's individual labor pension account and finds that the company did not contribute labor pension for several months, how would the Bureau of Labor Insurance handle this situation? How will the laborers' rights and interests be protected?
How can a part-time and short-term employee make pension contributions?
How should foreign spouse and mainland spouse (China, Hong Kong, and Macau) who are the target of the new labor pension system contribute to labor pension?
What is the definition of wages?
Whether should the night shift snacks money and food allowance be included in labor pension’ monthly contribution wage reporting?
The Calculation and Collection of Contribution
How is the pension borne by employers calculated?
When will the Bureau of Labor Insurance mail out the statement? When should an employer remit the contributions?
If a collectible unit has doubts or questions on the amount listed on the payment slip for Labor Pension mailed by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, how should it do?
How should one pay for the contribution for labor pension?
How should the personal voluntary pension contribution be paid?
How should one make Direct Account Deduction?
Why there is overdue penalty for the pension already paid? How does the overdue penalty for Labor Pension calculated? Is there any upper limit?
When choosing direct deduction to remit pension contributions, can a worker use 2 different bank accounts to deduct contributions collected by the employer and workers contributions?
Pension Claim
I am a laborer applicable to new labor pension scheme, when may I claim the new labor pension? Should I apply through my employer?
I am retired but have not yet turned 60. Can I first claim my pension from my individual account? If I am unemployed before I turn 60, can I claim my pension in advance?
If a laborer already claimed one's pension and is hired again to a job, does the employer need to contribute pension for the laborer? Can the laborer use natural person identity to apply for labor pension contribution online? And when can the laborer claim one's pension again?
Who may claim the labor pension of the deceased worker? What are the orders of survivors? Can worker designate a claimant other than survivors to claim the labor pension?
My pension settled under the old pension system has been transferred to the Bureau of Labor Insurance. Can my working seniority be jointly calculated? If only half of my pension settlement was transferred, can my working seniority be jointly calculated and halved? When can I claim monthly pension?
I am under the age of 60, holding a severe or very severe physical/mental disability manual/certificate, and I have lost the ability to work. Can I claim my pension ahead of schedule?
I am an insured person under the labor insurance or the national pension insurance scheme, holding a severe or very severe physical/mental disability manual/certificate, and I have lost the ability to work. Can I first claim the labor pension and then apply for the disability benefit of the labor insurance or the disability pension payment of the national pension insurance?
What documents should the dependent of a deceased labor or the designated person for claiming the pension in the will of the deceased labor prepare for claiming the pension?
In the event of a worker’s death, is there a time limit within which his or her surviving family members or claimants designated in the worker’s will must apply in order to receive the pension benefits?
How is working seniority calculated? If I have changed job, does my seniority with different companies be combined in calculation? I am on leave without pay for one year, is my seniority still calculated? If my father continues to work after having received the pension, how is his seniority calculated?
What are the tax related regulations for new labor pension system?
Whether the pensions received by the dependent or designated applicant of the deceased worker subject to inheritance tax?
If a labor has a debt issue, can the creditor detent the pension in the worker’s personal account?
Labor Pension Designated Account Inquiring
How do I know that my employer contribute labor pension on time? How to inquire the current balance in my individual pension account?
When could one inquire the individual pension account data for current month?
How to apply for Labor Protection Card? What banks should I contact? Should I pay any fee for it? Can I apply for multiple Labor Protection Cards? If the Labor Protection Card is lost accidentally, how to handle it?
How do I apply for a Chunghwa bank card to enquire for labor pension and labor insurance information? Do I need to pay any fees for the card? Can I simultaneously apply for labor protection card and Chunghwa bank card enquiring services?
What content could one inquire through Labor Protection Card and Chunghwa bank card?
Now that we are in the Information Age, why is there no voice inquiry service for labor pension?
Profit Distribution
How is the amount of gains distributed to an individual labor pension account calculated? When will the gains obtained from operating the fund be distributed? How can a laborer inquire about the gains distributed to one's account? What happens if a loss is generated from operating the fund? Will it influence my pension (principal)?
What is the guaranteed gain rate? How is it calculated? How do you enquire the guaranteed gain rate announced by the Bureau of Labor Funds, Ministry of Labor?
Annuity Insurance
What are the conditions needed by a business unit to apply annuity insurance?
If a labor is concurrently hired by more than 2 employers, Can the labor concurrently contribute to individual pension account and Annuity Insurance?
If a labor is working in a business unit that is using annuity insurance and he/she does not choose or select no to participate in annuity insurance, how should the employer do?
Whether it is different for the contribution rules between annuity insurance system and individual account system?
Wage Arrears Payment
What is the “ Wage Arrears Payment Fund”? What are the purposes of the fund? Where can I access to the relevant information?
How should people pay the contribution for the Fund? Are the workers required to contribute to the Fund? If a company has closed down but does not have any overdue wages, can the fund already paid be returned to the company?
Does the Wage Arrears Payment Fund system apply to all workers who have enrolled in the labor insurance? What are the enrollment procedures if the employee is not applicable to the Labor Standards Act?
Will the employer be penalized for not having made the contribution on time? Will this affect the workers of the company?
Do you require contribution for workers who have only enrolled in the employment insurance or occupational accident insurance?
My employer owes me salary. Can I claim for payment from the Wage Arrears Payment Fund?
What are the procedures if I wish to claim for the Overdue Wages, Pensions or Severance Pay Payment? What documents and certificates are required? How can I access to the relevant application forms?
I have participated in the labor insurance program. Does this warrant my eligibility for claiming the overdue wages payment? What is the maximum period of the coverage? Is the claim amount calculated based on the actual salary or the labor insurance insured salary?
Are there any administrative remedial measures if the applicant is not satisfied with the decisions made by the Bureau of Labor Insurance with regard to the wage arrears payment?
How long will it take for me to receive the payment after filing the application? How shall I collect it? Is a handling charge required? Is the payment subject to withholding tax? Is the employer required to repay the money advanced by the Bureau of Labor Insurance?
National Pension
When was the National Pension Program launched?
What is the National Pension Program?
Which agency is the competent authority for the National Pension Program?
Which agency is in charge of National Pension Program?
If one disagrees with a National Pension Program case result previously approved by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, is there any channel for administrative relief?
The Insured person and Insurance Effectiveness
Who should participate in National Pension Insurance?
Is there any special clause for excluding the riches in participating National Pension Insurance?
Can I voluntarily participate in or abandon National Pension Insurance?
Can foreign spouses participate in National Pension Insurance?
If a person lives overseas for long period of time, should he/she participate in National Pension insurance?
How should one handle the enrollment and withdrawal from National Pension Insurance?
When does the insurance effectiveness of National Pension start? And when does it over?
Calculation and Collection of Insurance Premium
What is the monthly insured amount of National Pension Insurance? May I voluntarily increase my monthly insured amount?
What are the Insurance Premium Rates for National Pension Insurance?
In terms of the premium for National Pension Insurance, will a different premium be charged based upon gender or age? May I apply for a premium subsidy because I am in a household of a relatively low income?
I am in a low-income household and am also holding the disability manual. What will be the premium subsidy?
My coverage under the labor insurance program has been interrupted for a few days in June 2011. Why should I pay the National Pension Insurance premium for a full month? I have been paying the premium for labor insurance. Now I am also required to pay the premium for National Pension Insurance. Is this not a duplicate charge?
How long do I have to pay the premium before I become eligible for the Old-age Pension Benefit under the National Pension Insurance program?
I was born on July 15, 1958 and reached the age of 65 in July 2023. Why am I required to pay the premium for National Pension Insurance for July?
When is the insurance payment slip mailed? What is the payment deadline?
General Rules
What are the benefits of National Pension Insurance? What are the qualification requirements for claiming the benefits? Does it require a minimum length of enrollment in the National Pension Insurance?
If one meets the requirements for claiming more than two pension under National Pension Insurance Program simultaneously, could he/she claim all of them?
What are the benefits of National Pension Insurance?
If one meets the requirements for claiming more than two pension under National Pension Insurance Program simultaneously, could he/she claim all of them?
Should people file for application for various payments under National Pension Insurance Program voluntarily? If yes, is there any time limit for filing application?
If the insured person has ever late for the payment of National Pension Insurance Premium, will it affect the qualification or payment amount?
For people who do not have household registration in Taiwan, Could they draw the various benefits and payments under National Pension Insurance Program?
For people who do not have household registration in Taiwan, is there any difference when applying for benefit?
Old-Age Pension Benefits
Under the National Pension Insurance program, what are the benefits offered to the elderly? When can someone start receiving the Old-Age Pension Benefit? How long can one receive the benefit?
Focusing on the elderly, the National Pension Insurance program offers three types of benefits, respectively, the “Old-age Pension Benefit”, “Old-age Basic Guaranteed Pension Payment” and the “Indigenous People Payment.” What are the differences among the three? Can someone receive the three benefits simultaneously?
When could one start to draw old-age pension and to when could old-age pension been drawn?
What are the differences between Old-age Pension Benefits, Old-Age Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments and Indigenous People Payments?
Maternity Benefits
Who are eligible to receive the maternity benefits? What are the benefits?
Disability (Basic Guaranteed)Pension Payment
Does the National Pension Insurance program offer protection to the physically/mentally disabled people? If yes, what are the requirements to be met? How long can one receive the benefit?
What requirements should be met to qualify for Disability Pension Payments?
What is the difference between “Disability Pension Payments” and “Disability Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments”?
Funeral Payment
If one is dead during the period participating in National Pension Insurance Program, what benefit could be issued?
Survivor Pension Payment
If a previous or existing participant of the National Pension Insurance program has died after reaching the age of 65 but before claiming the Old-Age Pension Benefit, is the individual’s heir-at-law entitled to claim the payment? Will the heir receive any payments?
If an individual has died when participating in the National Pension Insurance program, what benefits will be offered to the survivors? If an individual has died during the period of receiving the pension payment under the National Pension Insurance, will there be any benefit for the survivors?
In the event that an insured person who is dead and has being drawing “Old-age Pension Payments”, “Disability Pension Payments” or “Disability Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments”, what other benefit or payment could be claimed?
What are the survivors that could apply for Survivor Pension Payments?
In the event of an insured person is dead and the survivor in line has not reached the age limit for claiming survivor pension payments, is the qualification for claiming the benefit completed lost?
Insurance Fund and Expenses
What are the sources for the National Pension Insurance Fund?
How to raise the fund needed for National Pension Insurance Program?
How is the budget for personnel and administrative management expenses for National Pension Insurance Program allocated? Who is responsible?
Can the National Pension Insurance Fund be used for other purpose?
Which organization or agency is handling the utilization of National Pension Insurance Fund?
Who is responsible for the finance of National Pension Insurance?
Penal Provisions
What is the penalty for inappropriate claiming of insurance benefits?
How to handle the situation that an insured’s spouse who is jointly responsible for paying the premium but failed to pay the premium and interest according to regulations?
Which agency is in charge of imposing the fine regulated in National Pension Act?
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