According to public announcement Wei-Bu-Bao-Zi No. 1050100426 issued by the Ministry of Health & Welfare on January 12, 2016, benefit payouts for all categories of the National Pension were increased effective January 1, 2016 based on a 3.65% growth rate of the consumer price index. Additional Old-Age Pension Benefit Amount, Old-Age Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments, Survivors Pension Payments, and Indigenous People Payments will be adjusted from NT$3,500 to NT$3,628, while the basic guaranteed payments of Disability Pension and Disability Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments have been adjusted from NT$4,700 to NT$4,872. The adjusted National Pension benefit payouts went into effect in January 2016, and the newly-adjusted payouts will be received by applicable insured persons by the end of February 2016.