In case an insured person is not receiving salary payment on account of an injury or sickness for which he/she is under medical treatment, he/she is entitled to claim injury or sickness benefits beginning from the fourth day on which he/she is incapacitated for work.
The in-patient hospitalization benefits of ordinary injury/sickness shall be payable at the rate of 50% of the average monthly insurance salary of an insured person for the maximum period of six months. In case the insured person has at least one full year of insurance coverage prior to the occurrence of the injury or sickness, such benefits shall be payable for an additional six months.
The in-patient hospitalization benefits and outpatient medical care benefits of occupational injury/sickness shall be payable at the rate of 70% of the average monthly insurance salary. In case the injured person has not recovered from the injury or sickness after one full year, the benefits are reduced to 50% of the average monthly insurance salary for the maximum period of one year.
(From May 1, 2022, the “Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act” was implemented; the labor occupational accident insurance was separated from the labor insurance. Occupational accidents that occur after implementation shall be subject to the "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act", please visit the "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance" section.)