Old-age Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments
- Qualification
(1)Citizens who are aged 65 or above at the time of the implementation of National Pension Act on October 1, 2008 with household registered in R.O.C and live in R.O.C for more than 183 days per year for latest 3 years and do not have any one of the following conditions are entitled to apply and receive old-age basic guaranteed pension from the month the insured person’s application until the day they die.
A. Recipient of government’s full amount subsidy in accommodation.
B. Recipient of military personnel retirement pay (lifetime living subsidy), or government affair personnel, civil servant and teachers, and state-owned enterprises employee receiving monthly retirement pay or lump sum retirement pay. But those who have any one of the following conditions are not included.
a. Recipient of military personnel retirement lump-sum pay, or political official , civil servant and teachers, and state-owned enterprises employee receiving lump sum retirement pay without applying Preferential treatment deposits, nor receiving old age insurance benefits of Civil Servant and Teacher Insurance or discharge payments of Military Personnel Insurance; or if the person has received old age insurance benefits of Civil Servant and Teacher Insurance or discharge payments of Military Personnel Insurance, the amount of NT$3,000 monthly base will be accumulated from the month in which the insured person reaches the age of 65 years until the month in which the amount equals to the total original pension payment.
b. aboriginals receiving lump sum retirement pay.
C. Recipient of social welfare allowances.
D. The total amount of every category income of personal consolidated income tax for the declaring year approved by the Revenue Service Office exceeds NT$500,000.
E. The total value of personal lands and houses exceeds NT$5,000,000.
F. Current serving sentences in the prison, or, being detained or kept in custody because of criminal cases.
(2)With regard to the aforementioned requirement of “Having lived in the Republic of China for more than 183 days per year during the latest three years”, the qualification is determined by the residence status during the 36 months before issuance of the pension payment. Since the pension payment is made on a monthly basis, the residence status during the preceding 36 months will be checked on a monthly basis before making the payment. To be qualified for the pension payment for March, 2021 (to be released in the end of April, 2021), for example, the insured person is required to have lived in the Republic of China for no less than 183 days respectively during the periods of April 2018 to March 2019; April 2019 to March 2020 and April 2020 to March 2021. Similarly, in order to continue receiving the pension payment for April, 2021 (to be released in end of May, 2021), he/she needs to have a proven record of having lived in the country for no less than 183 days during the periods of May 2018 to April 2019; May 2019 to April 2020 and May 2020 to April, 2021, and so forth.
(3)The land value mentioned in (1) E. will be calculated based on the announced land current value; as for the value of house, it will be calculated based on the appraised prices. However, deductions shall be applied under the following conditions:
A.The zoning code of part or all of the lands have been set legally as the land reservation for public facility. Additionally, these lands are not yet expropriated or compensated because of government financial problems or other causes which are not the landowners' responsibility.
B.The house is the only one personally owned and actually lived. But the total deductible amount for the announced land current value together with the appraised house price is limited to NT$4,000,000 dollars.
C.Lands preserved for indigenous people which have not been used for economic benefit.
(4)Applicants for the Old-Age Basic Guaranteed Pension shall not be applicable to the relevant regulations on disability pension, disability basic guaranteed pension, Funeral Benefit and survivors benefit under the National Pension Program.
- Amount of Benefit
From 2024.01.01, a monthly payment of NT4,049 shall be made from the month of claim till the month of death.