4. After the implementation of newly amended Labor Insurance Act on January 1, 2009, do disability benefits could only be claimed monthly?
- An insured person whose disability incurred from injury or sickness complies with the Labor Insurance Disability Benefit Payment Standards, or is physically or mentally disabled as stipulated in People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act, and has also been assessed to loss of lifetime working capability (meaning an individualized conforms to one of the following stipulations), may file to collect the disability pension payout.
(1) An insured person who meets the “permanent inability to work” requirement under the “Disability Conditions” column of the Disability Benefit Payment Schedule, for a total of 20 items.
(2) In filing for the disability pension, an insured person needs to be assessed with a disability level conforming to levels 1 to 6, and has also undergone the individualized professional assessment to suffer loss of working capability by 70% or more, and who also can no longer return to the workplace.
- When an insured’s disability conditions conform to the disability payout standard but not yet conforming to the insured described in 1, the insured will still be issued with the lump-sum disability benefits.
- For insured person who complies with the qualification in 1(1), if he/she has insurance coverage year before January 1, 2009, he/she could also choose to claim the disability benefit in one lump sum.