1. Insurance premium rates:
From 2025, the labor insurance premium rate of labor insurance is 11.5%. The employment insurance premium rate is 1%; the labor occupational accident insurance premium rates is calculated based on the Table of Business Category and Premium Applicable for the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Experience Rates.
2. Formulas for calculating insurance premium:
- Labor Insurance Premium = Insured person's monthly Insurance Salary × 11.5% × Allotment Ratio. (Using NT$ as unit and the number below 0.5 is rounded off and above 0.5 is rounded up)
- Employment Insurance Premium = Insured person's monthly Insurance Salary × 1% × Allotment Ratio (Using NT$ as unit and the number below 0.5 is rounded off and above 0.5 is rounded up)
- Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Premium = Insured person's monthly Insurance Salary × Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Premium Rate × Allotment Ratio (Using NT$ as unit and the number below 0.5 is rounded off and above 0.5 is rounded up)
- Contribution to Overdue Wage Payment Fund = Total Amount of Insured Unit's Monthly Insurance Salary × 0.025% (Using NT$ as unit and the number below 0.5 is rounded off and above 0.5 is rounded up)
- (According to the regulations in Article 28 of Labor Standards Act, for insured units which are applicable to Labor Standards Act, the employers shall contribute to the Overdue Wage Payment Fund every month.)
(1) Insurance Premium Payable by an Insured Person = Labor Insurance Premium + Employment Insurance Premium - Insurance Premium Exempted for Injuries or Sickness - Insurance Premium Subsidized for People with Physical or Mental Disabilities.
Example 1:
In a company, an employee's monthly insurance salary is NT$36,300. The labor insurance premium rate of labor insurance is 11.5%, and the employment insurance premium rate is 1%. Then the insured person's monthly insurance premium payable = Labor Insurance Ordinary Insurance Premium + Employment Insurance Premium = (36,300 × 11.5% × 20%) + (36,300 × 1% ×20%) = 835+73 =NT$908.
The labor occupational accident insurance premium for the employee in a company is fully paid by the insured units; the employees do not need to pay.
- Monthly Insurance Premium Payable by Insured person = NT$908
Example 2:
In an occupational union, a member's insurance salary is NT$28,800. The occupational union is not applicable to the employment insurance, and the ordinary insurance premium rate of labor insurance is 11%. If the occupational accident insurance premium rate of the occupational union is 0.22%, then
Ordinary Insurance Premium of Labor Insurance Paid by the Insured Person = 28,800 × 11% × 60% = NT$1,901
Occupational Accident Insurance Premium of Labor Insurance Paid by the Insured Person = 28,800 × 0.22% × 60% =NT$38
- Monthly Insurance Premium Payable by Insured Person = 1,901 + 38 = NT$1,939
(2)Insurance Premium Payable by an Insured Unit = Labor Insurance Ordinary Insurance Premium + Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Premium + Employment Insurance Premium.
An employee's monthly insurance salary in a company is NT$36,300. The ordinary insurance premium rate of labor insurance is 11.5%. The employment insurance premium rate is 1%. If the occupational accident insurance rate is 0.52%, then
Ordinary Insurance Premium of Labor Insurance Paid by the Insured Unit = 36,300 × 11.5% × 70% = NT$2,922
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Premium Paid by the Insured Unit = 36,300 × 0.52% × 100% = NT$189
- Employment Insurance Premium Paid by the Insured Unit = 36,300 × 1% × 70% = NT$254
- Monthly Insurance Premium Payable by Insured Unit = 2,922 + 189 + 254 = NT$3,365
3. Explanation for Detailed Calculation List of Premium without Modification in the Whole Month:
(1)Meaning of each field
- Insurance Salary - It means the insured person's each grade of insurance salary, which is without modification during the month of calculating premium.
- Sub-item - If this field is empty, it means the insured person is applicable to Labor Insurance and Employment Insuranc e. “Not Applicable to Employment Insurance” means an insured person could not enroll in Employment Insurance according to law.
- Payable by an Individual — The amount listed in this field means the monthly insurance premium payable by an insured person, which is calculated based on Insurance Salary and Sub-item insurance participated.
- Payable by the Insured Unit - The amount listed in this field means the monthly insurance premium payable by the insured unit, which is calculated based on the insured person's Insurance Salary and Sub-item insurance participated.
- Number of People — means the number of insured person whose Insurance Salary and Sub-item insurance participated is without modification during the month of calculating premium.
- Number of people who make contribution — It means the number of insured person whose Insurance salary and Sub-item insurance participated is without modification during the month of calculating premium, and who has to contribute to Overdue Wage Payment Fund.
- Subsidy for Individual with Mental or Physical Disability - The amount listed in this field means the grant that the government has to subsidize the insured person who has mental or physical disability and whose Insurance salary and Sub-item insurance participated is without modification during the month of calculating premium. (Including labor insurance premium and employment insurance premium)
(2)Method for demanding the name list of insured persons:
- Call the Bureau at (02)23961266 ext. 3111 to ask for the name list.
- For those applying as the Bureau's Internet declaration insured units, please visit the Bureau's website to check the files (https://edesk.bli.gov.tw/cpa/)
4. Content of Detailed Calculation List of Premium with Modification in the Current Month:
(1) Modification in the Current Month - Modification such as insurance enrollment, insurance withdrawal, adjustment to insurance salary and changes to basic data; the insurance premium amount payable by an insured person and insured unit. (Including labor insurance premium and employment insurance premium)
(2) Correction of the modification - Correct the modification made to the insured person who has already paid the premium and reduce the insurance premium payable or collect the differences to the premium monthly. (Including labor insurance premium and employment insurance premium)
(3) Insurance premium exemption for injury or sickness - according to the regulation in Article 18 of Labor Insurance Act, when an insured person may be exempted from paying his/her portion of the premium during the period of receiving injury or sickness benefit or hospital care benefit. The content of this list includes the data about the exempt insurance premium.
(4) Insurance premium subsidy for people with mental or physical disability by government - according to the regulations for subsidizing the insurance premium for people with mental or physical disability to participate in social insurance, the government should subsidize the insurance premium paid by the insured with mental or physical disability to participate in labor insurance and employment insurance. This list includes the data about the insurance premium subsidy.