Operations for Insurance Premium Exemption During the Period of Receiving Injury or Disease Benefits
- Legal Basis
- According to the regulations in Article 18 of the Labor Insurance At and Article 41 of the Enforcement Rules, the insurance premium payable by the insured person shall be exempted if an insured person is temporarily unable to receive salary or loss income because of an injury or sickness for which he/she receives sickness or injury benefits or hospital care benefits. This insurance premium exemption is granted based on the documents for issuing benefits and the list of insurance premium exemption would be issued to the insured unit which the insured person belongs and the amount would be deducted from the total amount of insurance premium payable by the insured unit. Furthermore, the insurance seniority is still recognized for the insurance premium exemption period.
- According to the document number Tai 89 Lao Bao Yi Zi 0041502 by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan: In order to continuously protect the interest and rights of the insured person and ease the burden of insurance premium during the hospitalization and medical treatment period, when an insured person is involved in an insurance accident, during the period of hospitalization and medical treatment and the insured person is unable to receive salary or loss income, the insured person could prepare related hospitalization documents and apply to the Bureau for return of the insurance premium payable by the insured person during the hospitalization period.
- Operation for calculating insurance premium:
- According to the data for apply injury and sickness benefit submitted by the insured person, the Bureau of Labor Insurance would compare with the insured person's data and see whether the insurance is valid during the injury and sickness benefit payment period every month. If the insurance is valid, the insurance premium payable by the insured person during the injury and sickness benefit receiving period would be exempted.
- If the insurance premium exemption is not granted due to disagreements in above data comparison or excess insurance premium exemption granted due to incorrect data, once the data is corrected, for the insurance premium exemption which need to be re-granted or recovered, the Bureau would make the correction when calculating the insurance premium for the next month.
- If an insured person is involved in insurance accident and hospitalized for 1 to 3 days, since the 1 to 3 days hospitalization does not comply with the regulations for claiming injury and sickness benefit, in case when the insured person is also unable to receive salary or lost income, the insured person could prepare the related hospitalization documents and the certificate proving inability to receive salary or losing income to apply to the Bureau for returning the insurance premium paid by the insured person during the period.
- The related information for insurance premium exemption of the insured person would be listed on the “Detailed Calculation List of Premium with Modification in the Current Month” for the insured unit's reference.