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Injury or Sickness Benefits (Temporary Disability Benefits)

Injury or sickness benefits is in the nature of wage compensation. In case an insured person is incapacitated for work, not receiving salary payment, or under medical treatment on account of injury or sickness during his/her insurance coverage, he/she may apply for injury or sickness benefits beginning from on the 4th day on which he/she is incapacitated for work, not receiving salary payment, and under medical treatment.



  1. Ordinary injury or sickness: a. suffering injury or ill(sickness), b. hospitalized, c. not receiving original salary payment, shall be paid ordinary injury or sickness benefits beginning from the fourth day on which he/she is hospitalized.
  2. Occupational injury or disease: a. Occupational injury or disease incurred on duty, b. incapacitated for work, c. not receiving original salary payment, d. hospitalized or outpatient, shall be paid occupational injury or disease compensation commencing from the fourth day on which he/she is incapacitated for work.

【Claim Standard】

  1. Ordinary injury or sickness benefits(Temporary Disability Benefits)
    1. Ordinary injury or sickness benefits shall be payable at the rate of 50% of the average monthly insurance salary for the last six months commencing from the fourth day of hospitalization or incapacitated for work, and payable once every half month for the maximum period of 6 months.
    2. Such benefits shall be payable for an additional six months provided the insure person has at least one full year of insurance coverage prior to the occurrence of the injury or sickness.
  2. Occupational injury or disease payment
    1. Occupational injury or disease compensation shall be payable at the rate of 70% of the monthly insurance salary of the last six months commencing from the fourth day of being incapacitated for work, and payable once every half month.
    2. In case the insured person has not recovered from the injury or disease after 12 months, the compensation shall be reduced to 50% of the average monthly insurance salary for the maximum period of one year. Total compensation payment is 2 years.
    3. The Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act was implemented on May 1, 2022. The occupational accident insurance program has since been separated from the labor insurance. When occupational accidents occur after the implementation of the Act, should be applicable to the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act, please refer to "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance".

【Documents Required】

  1. The application form for injury or sickness benefits of labor insurance and the receipt of benefits.
  2. Original copy of the written medical diagnosis of injury or sickness.
  3. Relevant supporting documents (such as employer (owner) and witness certificates, attendance and leave records, and salary records, etc.)
  4. A "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Insured Person Report of Injury Resulting from an Accident on the Way to or from Work or during Business Trip" should be filled by the insured person for accident incurred on the way to or leaving from work or on official business.

The insured unit should fill in application form for injury or sickness benefits and make the document sealed by the unit, the person in charge of the company, and sent directly to Bureau of Labor Insurance (B.L.I) within five years of official claim period. If the insured unit is unable to process the claim for legitimate reason, a written explanation should be attached with application form and sent to B.L.I.

【Form Downloading】
Public Service>Tables and Forms Download>Labor Insurance>Insurance Benefits>Labor Insurance Injury or Sickness Benefits (Temporary Disability Benefits) Application Form and Payment Receipt

Last Update:2024-08-28