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Occupational Disease Prevention Medical Examination

An insured person actually engaged in 31 types of occupations specially hazardous to health stipulated in the "Labor Health Protection Regulations" may apply for medical examination once a year.


An insured person actually engaged in 31 types of occupations specially hazardous to health stipulated in the “Labor Health Protection Regulations” who had joined the labor insurance for 1 full year after being accepted by the Bureau of Labor Insurance may apply for physical examination once a year. Every application may apply at any time of the year.


【Claim Standard】
Expenses for this examination shall be paid by the Bureau of Labor Insurance. All the insured person has to pay is the registration fee.


【Documents Required】

  1. "Application for Physical Examination of Occupational Disease Prevention of Labor Insurance" and "List of Applicants for Physical Examination of Occupational Disease Prevention", or "Application for Physical Examination of Occupational Disease Prevention of Labor Insurance", together with the diskette containing the related data of the insured persons (use this more of filing an application when there is more than 50 applicants).
  2. After the assessment and approval of the application form by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, "List of Specified Hospitals for Physical Examination of Occupational Disease Prevention of Labor Insurance" and 1 copy of "Physical Examination Certificate and Record Form of Occupational Disease Prevention of Labor Insurance" shall be sent to the insured unit to notify the insured persons to have physical examination at the specified hospitals before March 31th next year.
  3. In the event that the insured unit did not file the application in accordance with the regulation, the insured person may file an "Application for the Insured Person to Receive Physical Examination for Occupational Disease of Labor Insurance" with the Bureau of Labor Insurance and shall be processed after confirmation.


  1. Prior to having a physical examination, the insured person should refer to the List of Specified Hospitals for Physical Examination of Occupational Disease Prevention of Labor Insurance, select a suitable medical institution, and make an appointment to facilitate the medical institution in its work and receive examination successfully.
  2. The insured person should submit the physical examination certification form and national identification card or other identification document to the specified medical institution when having a physical examination.
  3. After examination the specified medical institution shall give the examination report to the insured units, the insured person, and the Bureau of Labor Insurance.
  4. The insured unit shall apply for this physical examination for insured persons who conform to the regulation. Examination expenses are not in the calculation range of the actual premium rate of Occupational Accident Insurance.
  5. A business unit that joins the physical examination of occupational disease prevention of Labor Insurance, in the event that the medical institution performing the said examination is a medical institution specified by the Ministry of Labor of the Executive Yuan and the Department of Health for special physical and health examination or dust-lung disease, that the said examination item conforms with the regulations stipulated in Article 12 or Article 13 of the "Labor Health Protection Regulations", and the examination record was already given to the business unit to implement health control in accordance with the regulation, agrees that it shall be deemed as already processed the special physical and health examination for worker in accordance with the regulation stipulated in the "Labor Health Protection Regulations".

【Form Downloading】
Link to Chinese web page Forms for Occupational Disease Prevention Medical Examination

Last Update:2020-06-01