During the period of receiving unemployment benefits or vocational training living allowances, for the unemployed laborers having no income parents, spouse, under aged children or children with physical or mental disability could apply for extra dependent benefits/allowances. An extra 10% of benefits or allowance counted based on the average monthly insured salary for the 6 months period prior to the month the insured person withdraws from the insurance would be issued to every dependent, however, the maximum extra benefits and allowances is 20% of the base stated above.
For example: Mr. Chang’s average monthly insurance salary is 30,000 dollars and he has two dependents. The original unemployment benefits for him is 18,000 dollars (30,000 × 60%) and now he could get 20% extra which is 6,000 dollars (30,000×10%×2); so the total of unemployment benefits and extra dependent benefits is 24,000 dollars (which is about the 80% of his average monthly insurance salary).