21. If an insured person belonging to a labor union or fishermen’s association no longer works in his or her affiliated industry, or has enrolled in Labor Insurance at another insured unit, what should he or she do?
- The insured person belonging to a labor union or fishermen’s association union must apply for withdrawal (from labor union or fishermen’s association) on his own. Then labor union or fishermen’s association will handle the withdrawal procedure to the Bureau.
- If you have not worked in affiliated industry, you may take the initiative to submit a document stating that you no longer works in affiliated industry (including your name, ID card number, contacting address, phone number and the period of time for which you have not worked in affiliated industry, along with signature and personal seal). The labor union or fishermen’s association will then submit the document to the Bureau for applying withdrawal. If there is any overdue premium or fine, please pay up as soon as possible.