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29. Why is the labor insurance premium categorized into two types: ordinary accident and occupational accident insurance premium? How much do employers and employees each have to pay?

To improve workplace safety and sanitation, reduce the occurrence of occupational accidents, and impose responsibility upon employers, the Labor Insurance Act specifically categorized insurance premium rate into ordinary insurance premium rate and occupational accident insurance premium rate. The ordinary insurance premium shall be paid in the following proportion: 20% by insured persons with a definite employer, employers who actually engage in labor, and trainees of occupational training institution; 70% by insured unit; and 10% by the government. The occupational accident insurance premium rate shall be fully borne by the insured unit. For members of an occupational union who have no definite employer or who are self-employed, their ordinary accident insurance premium and occupational accident insurance premium shall be subsidized by the government (40%) and paid by themselves (60%).Regarding fishermen who belong to Class A of Fishermen's Association and are either self-employed or do not have a definite employer, their ordinary accident insurance premium and occupational accident insurance premium shall be subsidized by the government (80%) and paid by themselves (20%).

Last Update:2021-09-07