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Health Examination to Prevent Occupational Disease and Follow-up Health Examination

In order to maintain the health of the insured, the Bureau of Labor Insurance conducts health examinations for the prevention of occupational diseases to detect the early signs of occupational diseases and provide treatment as soon as possible. In addition, based on epidemiological evidence and exposure to particularly hazardous works, the incubation period for occupational diseases may range from 10 to 30 years. In order to strengthen the protection of workers' health and interests, BLI conducts health tracking inspections for the prevention of occupational diseases, and early detection of signs of occupational-related diseases for early treatment.


  1. The insured who engages in harmful work as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the “Regulations of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Health Examination and Follow-up Health Examination for Prevention of Occupational Disease” and whose period of the most recent insurance coverage has been lasting for more than 1 year from the date of acceptance of the application by the Bureau may apply for such examination once a year.
  2. Labors who have engaged in harmful work as specified in Paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the “ Regulations of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Health Examination and Follow-up Health Examination for Prevention of Occupational Disease” and who have been insured for one year in a row, for labors who change the works, resign, or withdraw the insurance, the insured unit or the labor him/herself may apply to the Bureau  for occupational disease prevention tracking examination, and may apply for such examination once a year.

【Claim Standard】

Examination fees shall be paid by the Bureau with reference to the provisions of the relevant items listed in the national health insurance medical service payment items and payment standards.

【Documents Required】

  1. Health Examination to Prevent Occupational Disease :
    (1) Online application: Log in to the e-service system of the Bureau for application.
    (2) Application in writing:
    Fill in the "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Health Examination Application Form for Prevention of Occupational Disease" and attach the "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Health Checklist for Prevention of Occupational Disease".
    When the number of applicants is more than 50, please fill in the "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Health Examination Application Form for Prevention of Occupational Disease", and attach the CD-ROM recording relevant information of the insured.
    (3) Self-application by the insured (if the insured unit fails to apply in accordance with the regulations): Fill in the "Form for Self-Application for Health Examination for Occupational Disease Prevention by the Insured of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance".

    ※For those who are required to implement labor working environment monitoring according to laws, the results of the working environment monitoring shall be uploaded to the labor working environment monitoring and hazard exposure management platform of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration; those who do not need to implement labor working environment monitoring according to laws shall provide other relevant certificates or detailed descriptions of information on labor working contents, places, and times, etc. For those who are insured in an occupational union, please fill in the "Affidavit for Special Harmful Working Experience for Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Prevention of Occupational Disease Health Examination".
  2. Follow-up Health Examination to Prevent Occupational Disease:
    Fill in the "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Prevention Occupational Disease Health Tracking Examination Application Form" and describe the harmful operation in details, and submit the Form to the Bureau for application procedures.


  1. After receiving the approval from the Bureau and issuance of the "Occupational Disease Prevention Health Examination/Health Tracking Examination Certificate Record Form", the examinee shall download the "Labor Special Physical and Health Examination Record", which shall be presented at an accredited medical institution for examination within the specified validity period at the end of March of the following year.
  2. Before receiving the examination, please go to the official site of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to check the list of accredited medical institutions qualified to perform the labor special physical and health examination, then select a suitable medical institution and contact it in advance, so that such medical institution can proceed and perform the examination smoothly.
  3. Before receiving the examination at an accredited medical institution, please fill in all the sections of the "Occupational Disease Prevention Health Examination/Health Tracking Examination Certificate Record Form", and also submit the "Labor's Special Physical and Health Examination Record" and national identity card or other documents sufficient to prove identity.
  4. The health examination fee will not be paid for those who have received a health examination in advance without using the "Occupational Disease Prevention Health Examination/Health Tracking Examination Certificate Record Form" issued by the Bureau.

【Form Downloading】

How to Apply for Occupational Accident Insurance subsidy and allowance?

Considering the long incubation period of certain occupational diseases, the Occupational Accident Insurance Act also offers subsidies and allowances to protect the rights and interests of the workers who had been engaged in specific harmful works during the valid period of the insurance but were diagnosed of occupational diseases after termination of the employment and the insurance coverage. Care subsidy is provided to reduce the financial burdens of the workers suffering from occupational accidents. For some of the workers who have not been enrolled in the occupational accident insurance, subsidies for un-enrolled workers will be granted as well.

Last Update:2022-10-17