3. What are the eligibility requirements, payment criteria and required documents for Permanent Disability Care Subsidy?
(1) Qualification: When an insured person suffers from an occupational injury or disease and applies for disability benefits under Article 43, Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act, or applies for Permanent disability allowances under Article 78, Paragraph 1 of the same Act, or applies for permanent disability subsidy under Article 81, Paragraph 1 of the same Act, if the disability level is within the first or second level of disability listed in the attached table of Article 3 of the Labor Insurance Disability Benefit Payment Standards and the disability state is described as workers cannot do their jobs lifelong, an application may be filed with the insurer to seek Permanent Disability Care Subsidy.
(2) Benefit Standard: Permanent Disability Care Subsidy shall be paid monthly in the amount of NT$12,400 from the application month to the month, with a maximum of five years. (Uninsured occupational accident workers who suffer permanent disability due to occupational injury or disease and applies for Permanent Disability Subsidy, the subsidy shall be paid monthly in the amount of NT$12,400 from the application month to the month, with a maximum of three years.)
(3) Required documents: Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Permanent Disability Care Subsidy Application Form and subsidy receipt.