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Bureau of Labor Insurance
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Simplified Calculation
Insurance Premium Calculation for Labor Insurance, Employment Insurance and Labor Occupational Accident Insurance-covered individuals
Calculation of Labor Insurance/Employment Insurance/Occupational Accident Insurance Benefits, Allowances and Subsidies
Calculation of Labor Pension Monthly Pension Payments
Calculation of monthly insured salary (monthly contribution wage) against total monthly salary
Tables and Forms Download
Labor Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection
Labor Pension
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
National Pension
Laws & Regulations
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labor Pension
Other Regulations
How to Inquire Personal Insurance Data?
Those insured with Labor Insurance
The Special Insured of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Frequently-Asked Questions by Migrant Workers When Inquiring on Labor (Occupational Accident) Insurance Information through the “Online Application and Inquiry Download System for Foreign Workers” of the Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor
Telephone Directory
Bilingual Glossary
BLI local offices in cities and counties
Business Topic
Labor Insurance
Insurance Enrollment Procedure and Insurance Effect
Insured Salary
Insurance Benefits
Laws & Regulations
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Insured and Regulations
Other Labor Protection-related Allowances and Subsidies
Health Examination to Prevent Occupational Disease and Follow-up Health Examination
Laws & Regulations
Employment Insurance
Insurance Enrollment Procedure and Insurance Effect
Insurance Salary
Laws & Regulations
Labor Pension
Characteristics of the New Labor Pension System
Application and Receipt of the Individual Labor Pension Accounts
Annuity Insurance
Transfer and Continuance of the Old and New Labor Pension Systems
The Processing of Receiving and Paying of Labor Pension
Inquiries of the Individual Labor Pension Accounts
Penal Provisions
The New Labor Pension System is not the Old-Age Benefits of the Labor Insurance Program
Labor Pension Program Established by the Labor Standards Act of 1984(Old System)
Permanent Residents and Foreign Professionals with Permanent Residence
Monthly Contribution Classification of Labor Pension
Labor Protection Card
Laws & Regulations
Wage Arrears Payment
The Collection and Disbursement of Wage Arrears Payment Fund Program
Explanation and Documentation Requirements with Regard to Application for Repayment of Wage Arrears, Pension and Severance Pay
National Pension
Introduction to National Pension
The Insured
Insurance Premium
Coverage Years of Insurance
Payments of Benefits
National Pension Act
Farmer Insurance
Insured Unit and Insured Persons
Insurance Benefits
Farmer Pension
Applicable Subjects
Application Procedures
Payment Procedures
Claim Procedures
Farmer Pension Act
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Employer & Employee
Insured Units of Labor Insurance, Employment Insurance and Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Insurance Salary of Labor Insurance and Employment Insurance
Insured Salary of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
Labors Insurance, Employment Insurance and Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Premium
Coverage by Labor Pension
Contribution and Allocation of Worker's Individual Pension Account
How to Apply for Insurance Benefit?
How to Apply for the Other Labor Protection-related Allowances and Subsidies of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act?
Application for Labor Pension
Statistical Data
Annual Reports 2023
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Farmer Occupational Insurance
Farmer Pension
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
National Pension
Annual Reports 2022
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Farmer Occupational Insurance
Farmer Pension
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
National Pension
Annual Reports 2021
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Farmer Occupational Insurance
Farmer Pension
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
National Pension
Annual Reports 2020
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Labor Pension
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Farmer Occupational Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
National Pension
Annual Reports 2019
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2018
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2017
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2016
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2015
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2014
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2013
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2012
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2011
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2010
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2009
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
Labor Pension
National Pension
Annual Reports 2008
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance
Labor Pension
Annual Reports 2007
Labor Insurance
Employment Insurance
Occupational Accident Labor Protection
Wage Arrears Payment
Farmer Health Insurance
Welfare Allowance
Labor Pension
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Don’t Ignore Your Right to Continued Coverage While on Unpaid Child Care Leave
To protect workers’rights and avoid penalty, business entities should enroll in Employment Insurance as long as they have employees
The insured units may inquire on or download labor-insurance related information from the BLI website with ease.
Attention! All insured units should report the insurance salary accurately and make timely adjustments to safeguard the rights and interests of employees and avoid being penalized.
The BLI Reminded Business Entities to Deduct the Personal Voluntary Pension Contribution of Employees from Salary when Filing 2018 Tax Income Returns
Employers may enroll retirees rejoining the workforce in occupational accident insurance under the labor insurance program to ensure their rights and interests
Bureau of Labor Insurance to check taxed income data and proactively made upward adjustments if insurance salary for labor/employment insurance or labor pension is understated
To protect the rights and interests of workers and avoid penalty, all insured units should accurately report and timely adjust insurance salary
Workers Born in Year 1960 Shall Become Eligible for Deducted Labor Insurance Old-age Pension Payment in 2018
Bureau of Labor Insurance Provides Multiple Channels for Citizens to Request Labor Insurance, National Pension, and Farmer's Health Insurance Payment Receipts and Facilitate Tax Reporting
As of February 8, 2018, the Labor Pension Act applies to foreign professionals in Taiwan who have permanent residence
When a Recipient of Labor Insurance Old-Age Pension Benefit Is Dead, the Survivors Should Inform the Bureau of Labor Insurance in a Timely Manner
Based on the Table of Grades of Insurance Salary, the amount of insurance salary for Grade 1 shall be adjusted to NT$22,000, taking effect 1 January 2018. For insured persons originally insured at a monthly salary of NT$21,009 and NT$21,900, the Bureau of Labor Insurance (BLI) shall proactively adjust the monthly insurance salary to NT$22,000 from the effective date. The Insured Units are not required to file applications for the adjustment
Bureau of Labor Insurance Diligently Auditing Insurance Declarations to Curb Underreporting of Salary and Protect Benefits to Workers
Beneficiaries of labor insurance pension payments who started receiving the benefit in 2011 will undergo a 5.1% upward adjustment in pension amounts to keep pace with increases in the consumer price index.
"Everlasting Care, Seamless Protection!" - Labor Insurance Program Celebrates its 67th Anniversary and Warrants Life-Long Services
From January 1, 2017 onward, the premium rate of Ordinary Insurance in the Labor Insurance will be increased by 0.5%, to 9.5% of the insured person's monthly insurance salary. Furthermore, the Table of Grades of Insurance Salary for Labor Insurance will also be adjusted, with adjustment made to the basic wage. The Bureau of Labor Insurance will adjust the insurance salary for those with monthly insurance salary below NT$21,009
Overdue Wages Payment Protection Upgrade: The Bureau of Labor Insurance teaches you how to protect yourself from overdue wages, severance, or the old system's retirement pension
The Labor Insurance Period is Accumulated Based on the Actual Insured Days
Parental Leave Allowance Available to Either the Mother or Father, to Care for Children without Worries
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