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41. I was hospitalized for an injury, is labor insurance premium subsidized?

According to regulations, in case an insured person temporarily loses one's salary because of an injury or sickness for which the insured person receives injury or sickness benefits or hospital care benefits, the insured person may be exempted from paying one's portion of the premiums so long as one's salary is suspended. Therefore, in the event that the insured person receives injury or sickness benefits or hospital care benefits, if the insured person is suspended from receiving salary or temporarily loses one's salary, the insured person can be exempted from paying one's portion of the premiums during hospitalization period (immediately as of the first day of hospitalization). Insured persons who receive a portion of salary or income or salary or income payment shall continue to pay their portion of premium. The portion of premium that the insured person is exempted from paying shall be added to the individual insurance premium reflected on the insured unit's insurance premium payment slip after the Bureau has approved and disbursed the injury or sickness benefits.

Last Update:2022-09-13