If the children of the insured person do not have any household registration in Taiwan, the applicant should attach the personal identity documents of the insured and his/her children. If such documents are not issued by the government of Taiwan, they should be issued within six months and verified by the institutions below. (If the document is not issued in the Chinese language, a translation in Chinese should be attached as well, which should be verified or notarized by a local public notary. Unless it is considered necessary by the insurer, the Chinese translation is not required if the document is made in English):
- Foreign birth certificates should be certified by a ROC embassy, representative offices, liaison office or any other organization authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (the diplomatic agencies). If the foreign birth certificate is issued by a foreign ambassador agency in Taiwan or authorized institutions, it should be verified and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- If the certificate is completed in Mainland China area, it should be certified by the institutes designated or setup by Executive Yuan or the delegated civilian groups.
- If the certificate is completed and issued in Hong Kong or Macau, it should be certified by the institutes designated or setup up by Executive Yuan or the delegated civilian groups in Hong Kong or Macau.