The claims for labor insurance old-age benefits can be filed in writing, or through online applications using citizen digital certificates. For workers without citizen digital certificates or not familiar with the online operations, they may entrust their insured units to claim online on their behalf through the BLI’s e-service system. The BLI provides diversified and convenient channels for claiming the benefit.
Online applications for the labor insurance old-age benefits can be filed through citizen digital certificates on a 24h basis, saving the postage and the time for delivering the documents to the BLI. For those workers who are unable to file online applications for labor insurance old-age benefits on their own, they may also entrust their insured units to file online applications on their behalf. For this purpose, they simply need to issue a “Letter of Consent” (which is available for download at the “Download” page of the
BLI’s website) to the insured units. On receiving the “Letter of Consent” from the worker, the insured unit may log onto the “Online Application and Inquiry Services for Insured Units” of the BLI’s e-service system and complete the application procedures by inputting the relevant information and uploading the e-file of the “Letter of Consent”. The BLI urges the workers and insured units to make good use of this friendly and speedy service.
The BLI reiterated that the applicants may file their claims through any one of the above channels. Those who have already completed online application are not required to mail the application documents to the BLI. Please do not send duplicate applications, as this may increase the time for reviewing the case. The BLI reminds summertime student workers to ensure that they are properly covered by the labor insurance, employment insurance and labor occupational accident insurance; in the meantime participating in the labor pension contribution.