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勞工職業災害保險預防職業病健康檢查特別危害健康作業經歷切結書 Affidavit for Special Harmful Working Experience for Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Prevention of Occupational Disease Health Examination
年金保險 Annuity Insurance
災保平均月投保薪資 Average Monthly Insured Salary of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞保平均月投保薪資 Average Monthly Insurance Salary of Labor Insurance
外國專業人才延攬及僱用法 Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals
給付 Benefits
受益人 Beneficiary
基本工資 Basic Wage
勞工保險局 Bureau of Labor Insurance
災保照護補助 Care Subsidy of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
自付差額同意書 Consent form For Partial Out-of-pocket Payments
災保死亡津貼 Death Allowances of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
未加保勞工職災死亡補助 Death Subsidy for Uninsured Workers by the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
國保身心障礙基本保證年金 Disability Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments of National Pension Insurance
農保身心障礙給付 Disability Benefits of Farmer Insurance
國保身心障礙年金給付 Disability Pension Payments of National Pension Insurance
災保失蹤給付 Disappearance Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
農職保身心障礙給付 Disability Benefits of Farmer Occupational Insurance
提早就業獎助津貼 Early Reemployment Incentives
就業保險 Employment Insurance
就業保險法 Employment Insurance Act
就業保險基金 Employment Insurance Fund
勞工職業災害保險及保護法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act
就業保險法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Employment Insurance Act
農民健康保險條例施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Farmer Health Insurance Act
勞工保險條例施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Labor Insurance Act
勞工退休金條例施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Labor Pension Act
國民年金法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the National Pension Act
農民健康保險 Farmer Health Insurance
農民健康保險條例 Farmer Health Insurance Act
農民退休儲金條例 Farmer Pension Act
農民退休基金 Farmer Pension Fund
農民退休儲金提繳比率 Farmer Pension Payment Ratio
國保喪葬給付 Funeral Benefits of National Pension Insurance
災保喪葬津貼 Funeral Grant of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
農保喪葬津貼 Funeral Grant of Farmer Insurance
農職保喪葬津貼 Funeral Grant of Farmer Occupational Insurance
勞保喪葬津貼 Funeral Grant of Labor Insurance
預防職業病健康檢查 Health Examination to Prevent Occupational Disease
預防職業病健康追蹤檢查 Health Tracking Examination for the Prevention of Occupational Disease
國保原住民給付 Indigenous People Payments of National Pension Insurance
農民退休儲金個人專戶 Individual Farmer Pension Accounts
個人退休金專戶 Individual Labor Pension Accounts
災保傷病給付 Injury or Sickness Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞保傷病給付 Injury or Sickness Benefits(Temporary Disability Benefits) of Labor Insurance
保險給付 Insurance Benefits
保險範圍 Insurance Coverage
保險費 Insurance Premium
被保險人 Insured Person
勞工職業災害保險投保薪資分級表 Insured Salary Category Chart of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
投保單位 Insured Unit
保險人 Insurer
勞工保險 Labor Insurance
勞工保險條例 Labor Insurance Act
勞工保險失能給付標準 Labor Insurance Disability Benefit Payment Standards
勞工保險基金 Labor Insurance Fund
勞保家屬死亡給付申請書(喪葬津貼申請書) Labor Insurance Funeral Grant Application Form
勞工職業災害保險自墊醫療費用核退申請書及給付收據 Labor Insurance Occupational Accident Insurance Up-front Medical Expense Reimbursement Application Form and benefit receipt
勞保老年給付申請書 Labor Insurance Old-Age Benefits Application Form
勞保失能給付申請書 Labor Insurance Permanent Disability Benefits Application Form
勞工保險監理會 Labor Insurance Supervisory Commission
勞保本人死亡給付申請書 Labor Insurance Survivor Benefits Application Form
勞工職業災害保險 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞工職業災害保險及保護法 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act
勞工職業災害保險基金 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Fund
勞工職業災害保險預防職業病健康檢查申請名冊 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Health Checklist for Prevention of Occupational Disease
勞工職業災害保險預防職業病健康檢查申請書 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Health Examination Application Form for Prevention of Occupational Disease
勞工職業災害保險失能給付標準 Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Medical Care Benefit Item and Payment Standards
勞工退休金 Labor Pension
勞工退休金條例 Labor Pension Act
勞工退休金提繳率 Labor Pension Contribution Rates
勞動基準法 Labor Standards Act
勞保老年一次金 Lump-Sum Old-Age Benefits of Labor Insurance
一次退休金 Lump-Sum Pension Payments
災保失能一次金 Lump-Sum Permanent Disability Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞保失能一次金 Lump-Sum Permanent Disability Benefits of Labor Insurance
災保遺屬一次金 Lump-Sum Survivor Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞工退休金基金 Labor Pension Fund
勞工退休金申請書及收據 Labor Pension Application Form and Receipt
勞工退休金遺屬或指定請領人申請書及收據 Labor Pension Survivor or Designated Claimant Application Form and Receipt
勞動部 Ministry of Labor
勞保生育給付申請書 Maternity Benefits Application Form of Labor Insurance
國保生育給付 Maternity Benefits of National Pension Insurance
農保生育給付 Maternity Benefits of Farmer Insurance
勞保生育給付 Maternity Benefits of Labor Insurance
農職保就醫津貼 Medical Care Allowances of Farmer Occupational Insurance
災保醫療給付 Medical Care Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
災保醫療補助 Medical Subsidy of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
最低月投保薪資 Minimum Monthly Insurance Salary
勞保失蹤津貼 Missing Allowances of Labor Insurance
勞工退休金月提繳分級表 Monthly Contribution Classification of Labor Pension
月提繳工資 Monthly Contribution Wages
勞保月投保薪資 Monthly Insurance Salary of Labor Insurance
災保月投保薪資 Monthly Insured Salary of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
月退休金 Monthly Pension Payments
國民年金保險 National Pension Insurance
國民年金法 National Pension Act
國民年金保險基金 National Pension Insurance Fund
勞保老年年金給付 Old-Age Pension Benefits of Labor Insurance
勞動部勞工保險局委託辦理勞工保險失能年金給付個別化專業評估作業要點 Operation Directions for Conducting the Individualized Professional Evaluation for the Permanent Disability Pension of the Labor Insurance Commissioned by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor
職業災害 Occupational Accident
退保後職業病醫療補助申請書及給付收據 Occupational Disease Diagnosed after Withdrawal from Insurance Medical subsidy Application Form and Payment Receipt
預防職業病健康檢查/健康追蹤檢查證明單紀錄表 Occupational Disease Prevention Health Examination/Health Tracking Examination Certificate Record Form
農職保傷病給付 Occupational Injury or Occupational Sickness Benefits of Farmer Occupational Insurance
國保老年基本保證年金 Old-Age Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments of National Pension Insurance
勞保老年給付 Old-Age Benefits of Labor Insurance
國保老年年金給付 Old-Age Pension Benefits of National Pension Insurance
勞保一次請領老年給付 One-Time Old-Age Benefits of Labor Insurance
普通事故保險 Ordinary Accident Insurance
災保失能津貼 Permanent Disability Allowances of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞保失能給付 Permanent Disability Benefits of Labor Insurance
災保失能給付 Permanent Disability Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞保失能年金 Permanent Disability Pension of Labor Insurance
災保失能年金 Permanent Disability Pension of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
未加保勞工職災失能補助 Permanent Disability Subsidy for Uninsured Workers by the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
陪產檢及陪產假薪資補助 Pregnancy Checkup Accompaniment and Paternity Leaves Wage Subsidy
產檢假薪資補助 Pregnancy Checkup Leave Wage Subsidy
公立就業服務機構 Public Employment Service Institution
育嬰留職停薪津貼 Parental Leave Allowances
積欠工資墊償基金提繳及墊償管理辦法 Regulations for the Management, Repayment, Collection and Allocation of the Arrear Wage Debts
勞工職業災害保險實績費率計算及調整辦法 Regulations of Calculation and Adjustment of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Merit Rating
失業被保險人及其眷屬全民健康保險保險費補助辦法 Regulations of the National Health Insurance Premium Subsidization for the Unemployed Insured Person and Their Dependents
勞工保險爭議事項審議辦法 Regulations of the Settlement for Labor Insurance Disputes
特別加保對象 Special Enrollment Coverage
自付差額特殊材料品項 Special Materials Requiring Partial Out-of-pocket Payments
勞保遺屬津貼 Survivor Allowances of Labor Insurance
災保遺屬津貼 Survivor Allowances of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞保死亡給付 Survivor Benefits of Labor Insurance
災保死亡給付 Survivor Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
勞保遺屬年金 Survivor Pension of Labor Insurance
災保遺屬年金 Survivor Pension of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance
國保遺屬年金給付 Survivor Pension Payments of National Pension Insurance
勞工保險投保薪資分級表 Table of Grades of Labor Insurance Salary
失業給付 Unemployment Benefits
失業給付申請書 Unemployment Benefits Application Form
職業訓練生活津貼 Vocational Training Living Allowances
積欠工資墊償 Wage Arrears Payment
積欠工資墊償基金 Wage Arrears Payment Fund
老農津貼 Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers